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Journal blinder's Journal: l00t! 13

tomorrow is my 33rd birthday. or the 10th aniversary of my 23rd birthday.

well, solemn has taken it upon herself to have the "12 days of blinders" and over the last 11 days i've scored some really nice loot. i've gotten some really nice noise making things (like an asian drum, a few whistles/recorder, a harmonica) and also got some nice creative things (sticker and magnet paper for the inkjet) soy crayons, a nice new journal (a very fancy one at that)... and today we took a trip to the big blue beast.

i managed to score the following:

gran turismo 4
god of war
prince of persia (the two thrones)
spyro enter the dragonfly

keep in mind that i'm not cutting edge gamer, nor do i honestly care what is cool or "in" at the moment, i have to say that these selections were perfect! i played gt4 for about an hour, getting up to my b9 license... and i really got into god of war... i could have done without the video-game-porn though... not needed in this (or any) game. spyro is what i'm more used to an really enjoy about gaming. if its like a silly cartoon and you do adventures... then i'm all over it.

prince of persia, however, was really amazing. i was startled at how cool this game looks and how it plays. sheesh this is one hell of a cool game.

so yeah, loot. yay!

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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