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Journal Kris_B_04's Journal: Memorial weekend, what a memorable weekend!!

All I can say is wow.
Maybe WOW!

Nope, that still doesn't cover it.

hell. what a fucking awesome weekend I had.

Curious? ;)

Email me if ya know me and maybe I'll share..

Why not post it here?
Um... let's just say I'm trying to keep this blog as family friendly as possible..
Oh? the cuss words? Well, shit.
Good point.

Maybe I just wanna tease a bit, eh?
Sides, just in case someone I know in the working world would find this, I really don't need them knowing what I do on weekends.. *grin*
It could be wrongly, unfairly and unjustly construed.

Sounding like a thesaurus now?
Sheesh. Guess once an English teacher always an English teacher.

Cept now I'm a programmer!!

Curious? Find my email and I'll share.. once I know you ain't a co-worker or a potential future employer.. *giggle*


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Memorial weekend, what a memorable weekend!!

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