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Journal Engineer Andy's Journal: "beer, wine and seafood festival" - yeah right!

Went to a seafood festival at Paddington on Sunday. Superbly Sunny weather but the majority Of the stalls were selling a limited range of beers, and the height of imagination is seafood seemed to be baby octopus. Prawns by the ton. A few Morton Bay bugs and the ubiquitous fish & chips but nothing like seafood curries or things that people would not have seen a hurdled times before.

It was billed as a beer, wine, and seafood festival, and on all fronts it flopped. The beer was narrow in its range, the wine was "white", "red" or "sparkling". The food, while edible certainly pushed no boundaries. As a day out, it was relatively nice, but there were not enough chairs for the crowds, and so many people would have been more squeezed and less comfortable than would have been nice. It was not as if there were a grassy area you could sit down if you wanted to. It was run in the middle of a road.

were it not for my girlfriend, and her workmate being pleasant to be with, it would have been a complete write off. The same effect could havebeen had in a park with a packet of fish and chips, a six pack of beer, and all for less stress and less crowding.

Something to miss next year.

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"beer, wine and seafood festival" - yeah right!

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