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User Journal

Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: A Fresh Start 5

This is the second of two journal entries about my transition from one job to another. The first one is here.

Well, I've completed my first week of the new job. I'm now, again, a Software Engineer, and no longer a Director of Information Technology.

I'm now reporting to a really huge company. My employee number is in the hundreds of thousands. Seven out of ten people who I talk to, know at least one of their business units. I'm working in a department of nearly 50 developers in a sub-department of nearly twelve collegues. I have no clue as to what folks on the other side of the world are doing.

The new job is 32 miles from my far-suburban home, to my center-of-St. Paul work and it takes me about 50 minutes to get to the lot. Parking costs $150 per month and it takes 10 minutes to park, take the elevator in the parking ramp, walk the skyway to my building, and another elevator ride to my floor.

I'm a bit of a fish out of water.

I haven't been a Software Engineer for nine years. I haven't been in a huge company for a long time (and even then, it was short lived - only 6 months - contract).

I've already gotten one thing done (it's only my first week, I'm actually proud of myself).

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

A Fresh Start

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