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Journal FidelCatsro's Journal: ISrael is controlled by Zionists OMG 11

Did you know that Media in Israel Is controlled by Jews
The Israeli government Is nearly totally dominated by Jews
People In Israel pay a taxes of which 80% goes to Jewish interests.
The Israeli Army is controlled by the Jews
Jewish people in the Israeli Communist party are Communists

This all goes to prove a Jewish Zionist conspiracy in Israel .. Oh wait ;)

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ISrael is controlled by Zionists OMG

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  • Of non-jewish minorities must be a vigorously defended in Israel, and by Israelis. The claim to democracy means nothing, otherwise.

    This is one of the real problems with Israel, from outsiders' view. In many significant ways, non-jews and even some Sephardim are functionally second-class citizens. Property rights, voting, etc. are affected. This is like Jim-Crow in the south, 75 years ago - because much of it is written into law.

    This is especially egregious, because of the nature in which much of the wor
    • for a nation little over 50 years old it is doing incredibly well.
      Considering the other countries in the region it is leaps and bounds ahead .
      Israel is in an incredibly hard position , surrounded by countries which openly want it destroyed and regularly portray Strong anti-semitic materials (Should use Anti-Jewish fro the word) .
      Between a Rock and a Hard place .
      The Golan Heights for example .
      IT was won during the fighting with the neighbours , now should they give it back , a place that is of an incredible
      • The Golan Heights for example .
        IT was won during the fighting with the neighbours , now should they give it back , a place that is of an incredible strategic advantage against a nation which is hostile .

        I think the whole "Land for peace" theory is incredibly stupid.

        Consider: the whole of the lands that the "Palestinians" want were lands that were either won during the 1967 war, or were ceded to Israel when the U.N. recognized it as a nation in 1947.

        The 1967 war was initiated by the Arabs (Egypt and Jordan
        • I had written this:

          Attention wrong history person:

          The 1967 War was started by Israel.

          That is all.

          But looking over your post, I realized that you already knew that. You are deliberately misleading people to further your own ends. Shame.

          The United Nations ceded land to terrorists in 1947. The Zionists had killed and maimed enough British [jewishvirtuallibrary.org]and UN personal [jewishvirtuallibrary.org] that the nations of the world, sick of the killing, gave in to terrorists. The world negotiated with terrorists, and worse, caved in to ter
          • You've got to be kidding.

            I am well aware that Israel "started" the 1967 war, but it was a defensive posture. The Arab nations had already decided they were going to attack; Israel did what was necessary to save their tail-- a pre-emptive strike is well within the rules of accepted warfare. It threw the Arabs off-guard, and they had their butt handed to them on a platter.

            If the U.N. didn't think Israel deserved to have land to re-establish her own nation, why did they do it? Why did they recognize Israel
            • A lot of people don't see the difference between pre-emptive first strike and first strike.
              Taking out the Egyptian Air force saved countless numbers of lives .
              • A lot of people don't see the difference between pre-emptive first strike and first strike.

                I don't pretend to fully understand war, in general. I'm not an expert.

                What I do understand is simple: Do unto others before they do unto you. When you know that someone's going to gang up with a few others and hit you as hard as they can, the idea is to hit them before they have all their ducks in a row.

                The difference is that a "first strike" is starting trouble by punching someone. A "pre-emptive first strike"
                • Israel is a very small country , population is about 7 million , surrounded by at around 10 times that many people who are to say the least , not friendly.
                  *Unpopular view alert* The Palestinian Forces have played the sympathy strings , failing to mention it was they in association with several other surrounding countries which started the war.
                  Israel is no saint and has done many things which are wholly unacceptable, however show me one country who has not done similar things during war.
                  Doesn't make it righ
        • Totally agree .
          Give them half an inch and they will take a mile , I have little doubt of that
      • Considering the other countries in the region it is leaps and bounds ahead

        Israel has done amazingly well for a country with limited natural resources, but much of this is a result of massive foreign investment. If this is because of a sense of religious obligation its the first country ever to make an export trade of warm, fuzzy feelings, except perhaps for the Vatican (actually, their chief exports seem to be guilt and impractical, ineffective advice on contraception).

        The forces in Palestine want Israel to
        • The key to the situation here is , it is hard to know what is propaganda and what is not.
          I would rather they just got the F-out of Palestine , sure keep border patrols , but that is it.

          "I'll accept that if you can name another country whose border guards regularly pick off children. Please, don't tell me they can't afford telescopic sights, or that such items aren't warranted in a highly populated area; Israel's military has shown time and again they have no concern for the death of innocents."
          How old is th

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
