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Journal sulli's Journal: White House Incompetence 2

Why we are losing the war on terror.

Money quote: "So catastrophic was Bush's decision to shift his attention and resources to Iraq, when bin Laden was panting at Tora Bora, that one is tempted to rank it with Adolf Hitler's decision to invade the Soviet Union in June 1941, at a time when Great Britain was prostrate and America was still out of the war (a decision that almost certainly cost Hitler the war then and there)."

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White House Incompetence

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Sadly the people who really need to read that article won't. They will simply continue along, blindly supporting their party (that goes for both major parties by the way; the Democrats should have been screaming at the top of their lungs before we entered Iraq). 8.2 trillion dollars (and counting) in debt, creating new foes everywhere, alienating allies, starting and floundering in a black hole of a senseless war while letting enemies escape; quite a legacy the current administration is leaving.
  • The problem is the ~1/3 of the people who are so blinded by the BS that no matter what the facts they refuse to acknowledge them. And the other 0 to 1/3 who are blinded by Bush's false patriotism.

    It defies the imagination.

    Can't we pay some Ho to blow him so that we can impeach him.

To be a kind of moral Unix, he touched the hem of Nature's shift. -- Shelley
