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Journal frankie's Journal: Dear Fellow Republican, 3

You are among a select group of Republicans who have been chosen to take part in the official CENSUS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
Enclosed is your new GOP CENSUS DOCUMENT which was assigned and prepared especially for you as a representative of all Republicans living in your voting district.

In other words, sweeeeet. And this is less than a year after my previous census, so apparently they didn't run screaming to the database and delete me as I expected.

A few highlights: I don't mind air strikes, but generally oppose Bush's "security" policy. I agree that Congress should reduce spending, but I don't mind the Death Tax(tm). Yes, students, teachers, principals and administrators should be held to higher standards (I also hold census question writers to high standards, and this one should be fired). I oppose federal abortion laws (pro or con), the Marriage amendment, and the Bush retirement plan. We should work with the UN, and quit blowing money on star wars defense.

Last but not least:

(X) Yes, I support the RNC and am enclosing my most generous contribution of:
( )$500 ( )$100 ( )$25 (X)Other: $_0.02__

Yep, I'm a certified RNC donor & member. I hope to do a vanity search for myself on in the near future.

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Dear Fellow Republican,

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