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Journal fustakrakich's Journal: Warren and Sanders... Sanders and Warren 4

Marsha Marsha Marsha!.. They're supposed to be the democrat's answer to Rand and Ron, Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice... or something..

So, they're making headlines by voting against the Syrian War (Has it officially started yet? I really don't know)... Of course it is bullshit because the thing was going to pass anyway without their votes. Now, had they been real schwing votes, how much you wanna bet their speeches (and votes) would be different? This is the same gimmick the republicans used on Obamacare... Their votes weren't needed and they still can collect the windfall, economic and political. They can continue to pretend to be the opposition party while scaring the feeble minded out of voting for somebody who "doesn't have a chance".

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Warren and Sanders... Sanders and Warren

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  • I mean, if I were less credulous, I might think that the Progressive Project was all a big scam to skew the ratio of elected representatives in favor of a vast bureaucracy that was servant to a small number of oligarchs.
    If only there were some. . .document. . .some legal piece of paper. . .that could have ensured better checks and balances, and kept the government a legitimate servant of the people. Such a document would have to be kept as clear and simple as the U.S. Constitution to have even a chance at
    • Faux outrage does not impress. It's all about the man to you. You will be voting more violators into office for the foreseeable future, whether it be Jeb or Ted, just like you did for McCain and Romney, so you really can save your breath on the "oligarchy" thing. Like it or not, you are part of that 98% that keep it in power.

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