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Journal stoolpigeon's Journal: Android International 5

Google struggles dealing with people who are in one place but want to use a language from another place.

It's gotten better in chrome on a computer. I can pretty much search in chrome and get my results in English. But on android it's a mess.

When I search in Android Chrome - I get google.hu and I haven't found a way to get it to use google.com

Today I decided to start using 2 factor authentication with gmail. Seems like a good idea and it's free so why not? Once I turned it on and set it up on my computer then I went to my phone. On my Android phone it said, "Now you need to go to the web." and took me to a form in Hungarian. There was no option to switch it to English.

Everything in my phone is set to use English but this is all completely ignored in favor of where the browser has decided that I am physically located. Does that make sense to you? It does not make sense to me. I want it in US English - no matter where I am in the world.

It's a weird thing. On the one hand I love that they are willing to sms the codes to any number world wide (though I switched to the app). So in some ways they are way ahead of others. But then you run into something that is just so backwards. And finding a way to send feedback to Google? Not so easy.

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Android International

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  • Crazy, isn't it?

    Evidently, there is some unwritten law that states that Geolocation by IP address shall override any and all set preferences by the user on their device, and ignore any possibility that barring or redirecting the user makes no sense.

    I get a version of this periodically on Spotify, where I'm informed that the particular album or single I'm looking at can't be played because it isn't licensed to my region. And of course there's the small matter of my being IP-blocked from Pandora Radio for the

    • by Chacham ( 981 ) *

      Where the books aren't licensed?! I didn't know there was such a thing.

    • Crazy, isn't it?

      Evidently, there is some unwritten law that states that Geolocation by IP address shall override any and all set preferences by the user on their device, and ignore any possibility that barring or redirecting the user makes no sense.

      The tyranny of location! Don't worry. They have a fix for that with TPP and TTIP. ;-)

      One law to rule them all, one law to bind them...

      • The tyranny of location!

        It's time to recognize nationalism as the racism that it is, and the borders are just global Jim Crow. It is just as evil to discriminate based on location of birth as it is for gender and religious beliefs and phenotype

  • Welcome to my personal hell since like forever. Internationalization is a major fuckup in all OSes because of assumptions that are untrue. Adding geolocation makes it worse.

"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing." -- Robert Orben
