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Journal rdewald's Journal: May the God of your choice bless you! 1

Kinky Friedman for Governor (of Texas)!

Why the Hell Not?

Actually, my favorite campaign slogan of his is "How hard can it be?"

Damn right.

Kinky, when he was Richard Friedman, and a freshman at the University of Texas in the Plan II program, had a chance to be my friend. He did not avail himself of that opportunity, but we did enter the same class at our alma mater. He's a couple of years older than I, but he went to the Peace Corps before college.

He looked more like a young Bob Dylan back then.... I kept up with his musical career, his band, The Texas JewBoys, his comedy, his detective novels (they're great!), a number of runs for political office, and I shall NEVER forget one very interesting evening with Kinky, Hunter S. Thompson, a bottle or two or three of Jack Daniel's, and an intimate group of about 1500 friends at the Austin Opry House. It was a MOMENT in time.

My favorite Kinky Friedman song?

"They ain't making Jews like Jesus any more."

Offended? We all hope so. Tell your momma I said Hi.

Kinky's the real thing, a true Texan, in the tradition of LBJ, Frank Dobie, and Willie Nelson.

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May the God of your choice bless you!

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