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Journal rdewald's Journal: The War on the War on the War on the War on Christmas. 8

I'm mad about Christmas. People are getting it all wrong. Why should they impose their views on us! So, I'm declaring The War on the War on the War on the War on Christmas (tm).

We really don't have to put up with this. We can make it right. We have the power, every rational person agrees, we just need to make our voices heard!

If you can figure out what waging The War on the War on the War on the War on Christmas (tm) means, let me know. I'm not sure what to do about a tree.

rim shot


I got a letter from a family. It was nice. It helps.


There is considerable tumult at work. Be careful what you ask for, folks. I wanted a job that was important, where I do something that matters. I have it. I'm breaking out into a rash. I'm pretty sure its stress.


If you haven't yet had the honor and privilege of reading my current sig line....Give Jesus a break, observe a Buy Nothing Christmas. Canadian Mennonites. Go figure. I'm into it. I'm not *buying* gifts this year (I'm still giving gifts). It feels right for me, and it's a lot more fun than shopping. I'm baking, burning CD's, coding up HTML and writing letters. I'll be doing something almost every evening from now until Christmas, something thoughtful for a friend or two or ten.


I've been watching the Christmas advertising with interest this year (as opposed to doing everything possible to avoid it, which has been my traditional observance of the Season). I've learned to find it interesting to identify the appetites targeted, and I notice that it is a sort of generous and sympathetic joy derived from the act of giving that is the most common target. Apparently people respond to that message (advertisers know what they are doing) which is a hopeful sign, Clarence.


The University of North Carolina Tarheels are going to surprise the NCAA Men's Basketball world this year. They lost 7 players from last year's Championship Team, the real stars of the Matt Doughtery recruiting classes are gone's Roy Williams team, which is to say it's a return to Carolina basketball of the Dean Smith era in many ways, which is what I really like about college basketball.

The Illinois loss was a lot closer than anyone expected and the Heels beat a very tough Kentucky team last weekend on the road. They're ranked now.

Will they repeat? Of course not, but Roy Williams has demonstrated once again that he can make things happen for a college basketball program. They will be better than .500 in the ACC, which is no small thing. It is going to as enjoyable as a rebuilding year can be for UNC fans.

This discussion was created by rdewald (229443) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The War on the War on the War on the War on Christmas.

Comments Filter:
  • You need somethin' rubbed on that rash, you just look me up.

    I might even be good for some stress relief. ;-)

  • you start from where you are and work your way back. So we've got 4 wars. The first, I'm takein' a wag here, is the war on Christmas or in other words, people who don't use the word Christmas. Or to put it more plainly, the war of angry Christians against those who avoid the term Christmas. O.k., there's the base. So war 2 is a war on them for warring on the 'holiday season' camp. So war 3 is a war on those wageing war 2. Meaning pro-CHRISTmas, con baelzebub's holiday season. But that means war 4 is
    • oh my word. I took like 20 minutes doing that and read and re-read it countless times. I post it and now I see that I jumped around and messed up my wars. War 1 is the war on Christmas. War 2 is the war on those warring against Christmas. War 3 is a war on those for Christmas and War 4 gets us back to warring for Christmas.
      So you're not an infidel! You're Gabriel!
      The rest stands. I'm such a goober.
  • I'm done buying stuff for people, not because I'm sick of consumerism, but because I engaged in early Christmas consumerism. I even went all consumerist on the cat.

    But I am also making cookies (6 or 7 types, I haven't decided yet) to be given to some people (I'm afraid to give them to anybody who is on a diet because of the psychobabble implications). 9 or 10 types if you count dog treats (which are not for kitties- no matter how cute she looks). I love Christmas because people look at me somewhat less f
    • To me, that is the oft-defined meaning of Christmas: not being looked at like you have three heads and counting.

      Same here. Except the holiday for me is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and it's the opposite overall effect.
  • I'm baking, burning CD's're giving away EVILLY PIRATED MUSIC then? For SHAME sir.

    (Me too).

  • I honestly only celebrate the convenient parts of Christmas - you could say the pagan and consumeristic part. I grew up without Christmas (or birthdays, or any of the holidays), and only celebrate in an off-handed way for my kids and my ex's family. To me it's just another day to spoil my kids. Besides that, it's a season for pretty lights and sappy songs, for noting how short the days have become and glorying in the fact that they will soon be getting longer again.

    I'm guessing that the letter from the f

The first version always gets thrown away.
