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blacklist-based javascript blocker for Firefox?

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  • I think you can tell adblocker to block any URL with * regexes. For example, "*.js" or something.

    This certainly used to work, but I had to get a new version of the plugin for firefox 1.5, and since then I haven't seen the same items on my entity list in adblocker, so I don't know if it's still working.

    Don't have it right here in front of me so I can't look into it either.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, AdBlock does the job.

      Ideally, I want a browser that has controls for each of: images, cookies, scripts, java, plugin objects, and html, with the options: always allow, allow 1st party, use defaults, (maybe allow based on P3P), and always block. Someday, someday.

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