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Journal Engineer Andy's Journal: Challenges at work (wednesday)

Work is, as ever, fun. Things are getting more settled back home, so i can focus more on the project at hand.

Got in to work a little after 6am, to clear some home office work before the phones started ringing up here. It was successful. Didn't get many calls from the home office, which was good.

Discussed some details which I didn't think were buidlable in their original orientation. Will have to work some tricks to get them to work, but should get there. There are challenges on many fronts in this project. I'm using skills i honed back in NZ, but it is always fun to come up with new solutions to old problems. Each problem has their own details which means that you have to put thought and care into each problem. It will be satisfying to do this on a very short timeline in this project, even more so if it comes off successfully.

There are some details which i know will be problematic , but others have decided that they will take the risk, be big brave boys, and try to do things i've never seen attempted (never attempted for good reasons, mind)

Part of the challenge will lie in working with the information we have to hand, and getting a solution without having to take too much time discussing with other parties exactly why we are doing what we want to do. May be a case of better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. Time will tell.

Spent a few minutes today on a HP help desk chat program - trying to find out why my organiser would talk to my PC some of the time and not at other times. Had done all the good things which i should have, and in the end found that it was probably having a few other things plugged in to the other USB ports which could have been sending lots of information which could have confused the organiser. will see if it worked. i think i was communing with a help desk person in india - that he was called "Sanjay S" was a giveaway.

Probably a quiet night in tonight. Indian was good last night, but need a little need a little variety in the diet, to say nothing of a little meat.

Will be hoping to finish up the reinforcing for a slab i'm working on tomorrow, then get some fine detailing done for other building elements which would be good.

Hoping i have some more interesting things in tomorrow's posting

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Challenges at work (wednesday)

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