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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Sneezy 2

Damn, I always do this...that is wonder if I really need to use my sick time when I'm feeling sick. It happened a week ago when my intestines were being twitchier than usual, but it took me half the day to figure it out before I decided to leave. It's a good thing I drove in that day too, because taking the bus for an hour lags when you're feeling below par.

I guess that I always feel guilty using my sick time, thinking that I can always withstand more pain. What kind of twisted thinking is that? Let's torture myself to the point that I'm about to collapse, then take a time out. Nothing like being at work and feeling miserable when I could be feeling miserable in the comfort of my own bed. And I was considering it this morning too, as I woke up lethargic and with a scratchy throat. Considering calling in sick. But nooooo, I had to just trudge along to work and spend all day with my coat and scarf on because I have the chills, sucking down Ricola like there's no tomorrow.

And to top it off another guy in my group called in this morning sick and it sounded like he had the same thing that I did. Lucky me for catching his cold. But it's kind of to be expected, seeing that my meds have a warning to stay away from people that are contagious and wash my hands constantly and avoid contact sports. It's super nice seeing as how my guts ache and I have a cold.

And it's not like they'll miss me if I don't come in to work tomorrow, as right now it's excruciatingly slow at the office with slim to nill to work on. Ah well, I'll just go home early and take tomorrow off.

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  • If you are ill and you need to use sick leave, don't think twice about it. They would rather you use your leave and go home than be feeling bad (and being unproductive) and potentially making others sick in the office. If you have been slow to use sick leave in the past, they know you mean it when you really do use it.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • I've always felt that sick leave is there to be used when you need it. If you're having to endure pain or discomfort just to make it there, then you really should be staying home. That will also give you a better chance of beating whatever is plagueing you, and then you can get back to 100% all the faster. If you keep fighting it only half-ways, it'll linger far longer.

    Again, I hope you feel better soon;-)

How many hardware guys does it take to change a light bulb? "Well the diagnostics say it's fine buddy, so it's a software problem."
