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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: Looking for a free image viewer for w32 4

Hi all.

Do you know ACDSEE?

Well, it's exactly what I'm looking for in an image viewer.. except for that crashes on certain image files (typically images people send me in IRC), and it's a nagging shareware, too.

So I need a different image viewer. My requirements aren't too tough. Here they are:

  1. When I see one image, it'll let me move to the next or previous in the directory by pressing on PgUp or PgDn. (yes, very simple, but the image viewers I found don't do that!)
  2. Will let you easily pan through images using the arrow keys (it'll continue panning until I release the key
  3. Will have zoom-in/zoom-out keys.
  4. Will support JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP. There are many other formats but they are less important.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Looking for a free image viewer for w32

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  • I'm a bare-bones type of guy. Usually, I can cope with Photoeditor that comes with Office 97. Many people at the office use IrFanView. Try a google on that, it might suit your needs. I don't like it but you might. Don't know if it is free though.
    • Wow, it's been a long time since I've last seen you in my journal. I missed you. :)

      I actually downloaded that IrFanViewer, but it doesn't support going to the next/prev image in the file list, does it?
      • Yep, left and right arrow keys. Once Infranview [] (freeware) is installed, just go to Help->Keyboard shortcuts for details.
      • I told you I always read but rarely post. I don't know anything about IrFan except a lot of people use it. The icon of the program already revolts me, so ;-)
        Anyways...another poster already gave you the reply you needed.

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