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Journal bellus quies's Journal: The letter is sent. 8

I sent the letter.

Yes I finally put the letter together, printed it, signed it, FedExed it and am officially out.

I've considered myself non-mormon for the last 3 years, but my family has always thought inactive. Even my mom pleaded with me previously to just let her keep my records based out of her home ward so that people wouldn't come looking for me. Yes, they do come looking for you. If they don't know where you are they look up in their records and call your family to find your current address, then often send people out to your house to "check up" on you. Seemingly friendly, sure, but annoying when your personal choices aren't respected.

Ok, so what was the straw that made me write the letter? I've been meaning so for a while. Well, part was another in a long line of religious propaganda that my mom forwarded to me. Another was last weekend when I head the story of how my Grandma not-so-subtly suggested that my sister could be the relief society president in the future just like our two cousins are, even though she's not into the church things right now. OK, this scares me because one, my sister has multiple piercings and tattoo's and two the only reason why she was visiting my grandma and family out in Utah last weekend was because she drank too much whisky while bored one day at college and ended up somehow with a plane ticket. Who knows what they still think of me, being that I'm the one who went to BYU and all.

So I'm done. I don't want any misunderstanding by anyone, especially my family.

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The letter is sent.

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