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Journal daniil's Journal: Have you seen my head? 10

Ok, now I have a problem. I've somehow managed to lose (err, misplace) my head. I'm quite sure it was in its right place when I woke up in the morning. But now it's gone. I've misplaced it. I've looked everywhere, yet haven't found it. And now I'm about to lose my mind as well -- which is just as well, as what use is a mind anyway if you don't have a head to keep it in?

So, as I was saying, I must have misplaced my head somewhere. Or maybe it just fell off the neck? Yes, it could be. It must have fallen off while I was cycling. In which case, it is lost forever -- just like the cap of my drinking bottle., it can't be. I clearly remember that I still had my head on when I got back. So it must be somewhere in my home. Or maybe it's on the Internet? Can I lose something on the Internet? Can something go missing on the Internet?

Have you seen in lying around anywhere? I would really like to get it back. Because it's really difficult to live without your head. Can't properly keep your balance, can't keep your blood cool (that's what the brain is for, right?) and so on.

Help me.

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Have you seen my head?

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  • by grub ( 11606 )

    Have you checked up your arse? (Sorry, couldn't resist :) )
    • I just knew someone would say this :7 But no, it wasn't there. I checked. Twice.
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        That was the first thing that popped into my head too. I know everyone else who read the subject thought the same thing. I think the nasty attitude must be a geek thing :-)
    • No , but someone tried to give me it this morning (Cue:Wahwah plugged trumpets)
  • Better check that it hasn't just flipped over backwards. It could be hanging between your shoulder blades right now, and you'd never be able to tell. Unless you are more flexible than I am, anyways. It would be a bad scene if you were standing near a wall and you turned suddenly. You could hurt yourself... it would be sort of the equivalent of swinging a sack of potatoes around in a circle. Except there would be a wall in the way. Ouch.

    Perhaps, if you have no luck, you could attempt to open your eyes
    • It could be hanging between your shoulder blades right now, and you'd never be able to tell.

      Nope. I checked (ha! I am more flexible than you! Sadly, I have no coordination to complement this flexibility. Can't even do a headstand...), and it wasn't there. I did discover, however, that behind my back, my right hand is more dexterous than my left hand. And here I had always thought I was left-handed :7

  • it's right there where you left it.



  • try here. (SFW and small innocent dragons.) []

  • Don't worry: heads are like that. Here one minute, gone the next. That's why we have expressions such as 'lost his head', 'out of his head' (well, OK, we do if we are talking about masculine things; if we're talking about feminine ones it's her head etc etc).

    Not to mention the adventures of Mike the Headless Chicken [].

"A car is just a big purse on wheels." -- Johanna Reynolds
