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Journal Elwood P Dowd's Journal: I want feeds to always show pictures. 4

This is along the same lines as I want favicons everywhere.

If an item in an RSS or atom feed contains a picture, and your feed reader doesn't display it to me in whatever size fits its GUI, your feed reader sucks. Sucks!

For example, Google's new blog search does not show picture thumbnails. That's dumb. Dumb!

Also for example, syndication in WordPress is lame. Lame!

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I want feeds to always show pictures.

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  • what do you use that *shows* images? Am just an amateur in RSS feed use, I guess.
    • Anything that shows the whole post in HTML. LJ syndication and most feed readers. There's a wordpress plugin that will make full posts containing all the HTML in the feed, and thus works for photoblogs. Basically, a lot of web syndication turns a photoblog into a list of dumb titles, when really it should turn a photoblog into a series of thumbnails with no text. If it can't tell automatically, then it should allow manual configuration. Wordpress sidebar and personalized Google and Google Blog search should

Oh, so there you are!
