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Journal the_mad_poster's Journal: Stuff I Think, I Think 14

I think if you decide you want to be the leader of the free world, it's not unfair in the least that you forfeit the privilege of regular vacations.

I think it should be illegal to cherry pick friendly crowds when you're not just holding rallies for re-election. Either that, or there should be a clear disclaimer on every audio, visual, and print quote, image, etc. that comes out of it that clearly states it was all staged. Why is it that you can't sell a vaccuum cleaner on TV without making it clear that you're not using impartial, unscripted customers, but you can sell a nationwide public health plan that will affect everyone that way?

I think if you have strong objections to things like the Kyoto protocol then you shouldn't sign them even if it makes you unpopular, but I also think that "China doesn't have to" isn't a valid complaint about it if you're supposedly the world's policy leader.

I think if you yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, and 50 people die in a stampede, and if you yell "Nukes!" in an international theatre and tens of thousands of people die in a war, and both times it wasn't true and you couldn't have proven it was true when you did it, then the only difference is a matter of scale and either way you're culpable for each death.

I think if you have a strong history with the oil industry, and you approve an energy policy that gives tax dollars to that industry at a time when it's reaping windfall profits, then people have every right to wonder where your loyalty lies.

I think if you do something stupid like cut levee funding to a threatened area, and a lot of people drown a few months later, it's probably not your fault they drowned, per se, but I also think it's not unfair that people frown on you for it since the only thing that made it clearly not your fault was the timeframe.

I think if public officials move 25,000 people to a shelter during a hurricane, and you can't tell me that they did that more than 24 hours after they did it, even though it was all over every major media outlet in the world, and people die because you didn't know that and it was your job to be informed, you should be brought up on charges of gross criminal negligence.

I think if one of your defining acts as a public servant was creating the term "freedom fries" you should be stripped of everything you own and mailed via parcel post to the Yukon territory.

I think if you don't drive at least 1/3 of your SUV/Truck mileage either hauling more than 3 people, towing something for work or recreation, or in poor road conditions, and you don't have a job of some sort where it's crucial you're available 24/7/365 (doctor, firefighter, etc.), you should have to pay a Stupidity Tax of 30% of your gross income every year, and that the money should be used to pay for everyone else's increased gas prices.

I think people who believe that building more refineries is a good idea for solving an energy crunch probably just don't have any good ideas.

I think that if you're so obsessed with your vehicle that you actually put it up in your photo gallery with your family, you shouldn't be allowed to have access to a camera.

I think that people that actually respond to spam are just trolling the rest of us.

I think that if you believe that nobody ever needs welfare because there are always enough jobs in society to go around, and that they're always accessible to the people who need them, you might as well have just dropped out of school because you probably weren't paying any attention anyway since you're so proud of yourself for being average and think you really "made it" on your own.

I think too many conservatives tend toward being willfully undereducated and have very myopic views of the world as a result.

I think too many liberals spend too much time assuming that everybody wants to be as open-minded as them, or that it's a good thing that they're so open-minded, and forget that sometimes people have to step back and fend for themselves at the expense of others.

I think too many conservatives don't know the difference between taking things from other people for survival and simply exploiting them because they're greedy.

I think too many liberals don't know the difference between helping someone get back on their feet and dragging them along in a little red wagon because they just don't want to walk beside you.

I think too many conservatives and liberals try too hard to make everybody else be like them.

This discussion was created by the_mad_poster (640772) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Stuff I Think, I Think

Comments Filter:
  • I think you're right and I want my money back since I expected a lot more "FUCK the STUMPFUCKING FUCKTARDS and DOUBLEFUCK RAILGUNNER" and a little less Kumbaya. Do not disappoint me, you fuck.

    Signed sincerely, your biggest fucking fan.

  • I think I like that thinking.

    I think this guy sounds a bit like you, too: []
  • Cherry picking a few of them....

    I think if you decide you want to be the leader of the free world, it's not unfair in the least that you forfeit the privilege of regular vacations.

    Or at least exercise some moderation. Sheesh, I won't get as much vacation as this guy takes until I freakin' retire. And my job's not that important - if I'm not at work, a cell phone chip doesn't get built (or someone else does it).

    ...Why is it that you can't sell a vaccuum cleaner on TV without making it clear that you

  • ...sir... I have to say you are spot on. I admit that sometimes I'd rather pull the red wagon than see someone suffer. But I also admit that I don't necessarily think that's always the right thing to do. :)
    • My feelings:

      You couldn't get out of the city. Okay, I'll help.

      You couldn't make it to shelter. Okay, let's get you there.

      You won't leave your home now. Okay, you're on your own. Good luck.

      For some reason, I see a dividing line there, but can't quantify it.
      OTOH, I realize the world has some grey.
  • Only making sense.

    "I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to see more and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of our solar system."

  • I think if you yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, and 50 people die in a stampede, and if you yell "Nukes!" in an international theatre and tens of thousands of people die in a war...

    Very astute observation... I'm definitely going to steal that one.
  • I think if you do something stupid like cut levee funding to a threatened area, and a lot of people drown a few months later, it's probably not your fault they drowned, per se, but I also think it's not unfair that people frown on you for it since the only thing that made it clearly not your fault was the timeframe.

    The plan to shore up the levees has been in place, legislatively, since the last big hurricane some 35 years ago. You can't blame the lack of funding on just Bush. It's all the local political

One small step for man, one giant stumble for mankind.
