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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Final work week 6

I am nearing the end of my work week here, and I cannot say that I am too terribly sad about it. I will miss the routine of getting up in the morning, and I will miss the people with whom I have worked here, but I will not miss the aggravation of being on a project for which I consider myself poorly suited.

After this week has ended, I will spend some time with my parents in Maryland as I look for a new place. I have been working steadily on getting my stuff at home organized, and I hope to have the house on the market within a couple of weeks.

I met with my regular doctor this week and he was a bit startled at all that had transpired. He offered words of encouragement, but he also concurred with the doctors at the hospital - it is time to slow down and ease the stress for a while.

Money-wise, I am fine. I have been blessed with decent money-management skills and I have enough saved that I can make it for a while. I am not in a huge rush to find a new job, although for insurance reasons I will need one in the not-too-distant future.

I realize that I promised to write some fiction in here. I've not forgotten my promise. Be patient with me. There is much happeneing now that requires priority handling.

This discussion was created by KoriaDesevis (781774) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Final work week

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  • huh. Same here. Friday is my last day at my current job. Then I'll spend a week doing nothing because gas prices will probably be too high for me to afford to go 7 hours north to Pierce for a fishing vacation. bummer. I guess I could spend the time working on videos and getting new clients.

    Best of luck with your mental down time and relaxation as well as with whatever new work awaits for you.

  • but if I had a nickle for every person I put on project who thought they were ill-suited for it... I'd have like... 6, 8 bucks?

    The point is, some of us managery see things in our charges that no one else does. I've had quite a few techs thank me years later. That's a good feeling.

    I hope you find what you're looking for Koria, you deserve to be estatic.
  • The process of life. :-) Best wishes for your new beginning; it sounds like you have a handle on where you are going, if not the specifics.

    I will be waiting with bated breath to see your fiction in this space. No, I'm not eating worms; that's baited breath. ;-) Eh. Take it as eager anticipation.
  • but it's a lot nicer when you don't HAVE to get up in the morning. :-)

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." -- William James
