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Journal saskboy's Journal: More movies

Hehhe, I posted to the Telus thread about Creationism that Bush is pushing in schools now, OOOPS!

Anyway I saw "Hitch" [9/10] a funny Will Smith movie, and last night I watched Murray Treed [4/10] a TV movie about a business man trapped in a tree by teen muggers. It was pretty good, up until the way they ended it, I thought.
And I saw a South American movie, "Central Station" [6/10] which was about a boy looking for his father, with the help of a literate woman without any family too. I also watched Unbreakable again [9/10] which is a great movie, by M Night Shamylan[?].

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More movies

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Regarding astral projection, Woody Allen once wrote, "This is not a bad way to travel, although there is usually a half-hour wait for luggage."
