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Journal frankie's Journal: CAFTA's first export: the DMCA (rejected) 1

On Cnet, Declan reports that while the media was focused on sugar prices and sweatshops, an important part of the newly-passed Central American Free Trade Agreement went by unnoticed: member nations must adopt an anti-circumvention clause matching the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

I still think it's a front-page-worthy submission, or at least YRO section. Yes/no?

Addendum: turns out it really is front page /. news. They accepted another submission, nearly identical title, 8 hours later. WTF?

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CAFTA's first export: the DMCA (rejected)

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  • And I noticed. Likewise, while the DMCA may seem important to us- Software and Phramaceutical Patents are much more important to them....

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