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Journal saskboy's Journal: Gone south

I went south for the weekend, spending some time in Regina, eating at Montana's on Friday night with some of my friends' friends from school, and listening to Ottawa beat the Riders by 5 points. Then we all went to east Regina and watched the movie "Cursed" [6/10] which was more of a comedy than a horror or thriller movie.
On Saturday I saw "Royal Tanenbaums" [5/10] which is a movie pretty much lacking any plot, although it has an innovative and interesting way of telling what little story there was, and there were funny moments, giving it enough of a reason to watch it once. I also watched "Unleashed" [7/10] which is a Jet Lee movie, where the plot is pretty weak, but the acting and special stunts make it worth seeing again even.
On Sunday night I watched "Showgirls" [3/10] which has almost no plot, and is a B movie in every way. It has some moments which are funny, even if they didn't intend them to be, so I gave it a 3.

    I was going to catch a bus home on Sunday, but because of Civic Holiday, they didn't run one, so I spent an extra day in Regina, and caught the bus through Lafleche today. There was a lot of lightning south of Moose Jaw, and all the way in the east for my drive home. Someone had had a stroke on the bus the previous trip, and I tried some of the "original flavour" pork rinds snacks that the bus driver was trying to get someone to take. They weren't very good, I wasn't surprised no one wanted them. So far I've not had a stroke, I don't think they caused it. There was also a 9 year old with a cell phone, a passenger with a name like a Canadian satellite [but not quite], an old man that didn't wear his seatbelt, and a talkative 12 year old that made me laugh because of his matter of fact "know it all" sort of conversation style with the bus driver.
I also picked up a gun, and a magic 8-ball at a garage sale, and played some frizbee. The gun was a plastic one, although it looks like a real 9mm so it will be good in a film clip if I make one later.

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Gone south

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