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domain registrars; web hosting

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  • they have bigcorporatitis, comorbid with not giving a damn.
  • Check out for the webhosting and GoDaddy for the registrar.

    Unlike most hosting services, ASO lets you get one account and stuff an unlimited number of little boutique websites/domains under it.

    It'll require a fair amount of technical knowledge (it uses CPanel and Fantastico, which is a common pair across hosting providers, which'll let you click to install Drupal or some other blog software, but occasionally more advanced work will require that you figure out what's broken and edit a conf
    • looks cheaper and maybe better than laughingsquid, so that's a primary contender.

      I'm still going to recommend for DNS, just because it seems better suited to non-geeky people that can't look out for themselves on the interweb (applies to myself as well). I've heard about godaddy's upselling attempts, and I don't want my friend to have to navigate that ever at all.

      w.r.t. the "one account and stuff an unlimited number of little boutique websites/domains under it" feature, is th
      • You can bypass the upselling attempts by clicking a little box that says something such as "I'm an expert user, please don't suggest complimentary services." or some such when registering.

        I just registered [] with GoDaddy a week ago. I requested a phone call on the "you finished ordering" page to ask them a couple of technical questions. They called about two hours later than I requested, but, just the same, were very friendly. There were no attempts to sell me anything else d

      • Nope,

        I'm on a $5 account with a wadful of little blogs and brochures and such set up by me for nonprofit or friend's business or other type users. They don't have admin privs, and I am not trying to pass myself off as a hosting firm. If I created an admin account for them and gave them access, they'd see that they were a virtual subdomain of my base account, and that the first-tier seller was aso, who is considerably cheaper than some of my reseller friends' rates (or than I'd charge if I were doing a 'I
        • Yes, that's excellent, thank you. I fit into 1 when I'm sober, 2 most of the time, and 3 when I focus. I already signed my friend up via moniker & ASO, and she listed you as the referrer. She's, which is not yet live. She'll be doing her own shit via CPanel and whatnot, and she's not as dumb as she looks, so I think she'll be fine.

          I don't know why you use GoDaddy for registration rather than ASO for the whole stack. Better featured?
          • godaddy vs aso: inertia. Found ASO just a few months ago, and moving a stack of domains would be a serious pain in the asterisk. But the idea's intriguing...
            • On second thought... having my doman registrar and DNS admin distinct from my ISP has it's origins in me not wanting to fight with them if I choose to move to another ISP. I collect other people's horror stories of when the ISP/hosting provider refused to let go of, or work nicely with them, in moving a business domain to another provider. 3 days of dead email or worse sort of things, including a local ISP that claimed to 'own' the domain name and wanted some extortionate amount like $500 for it, despite

When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?"
