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Journal mekkab's Journal: B'lieve, Hon (baltimorus reduxes w/ fluxus) 6

Opened Garage door at 6:45.
crabbs branch->Gude Dr->28------------>95->395->pratt->victory lap around Legg Mason bldg.

Total time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
Pretty much my target time.
BUT... I wish I could do better. That 1.17 hours includes blasting away on 95.

I wish 28 was a bit faster... or two laned.

Its got me thinking about dun dun dunhhhhh 495. And also dun dun dunnhhhhhhh 270! . Or maybe snaking down 97 to hit 495...

however I don't know if snaking down 97 would buy me anything.

and 270 South (Even at 6:15 am... a half-hour earlier) may not be worth it without HOV.
Mebbe we'll try it next week.

THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE THIS CHRONOMETRIC BREAKTHROUGH POSSIBLE. I couldn't have done it without your knowledge.

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B'lieve, Hon (baltimorus reduxes w/ fluxus)

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  • so much that I think I want to flee the DC-metro area, sometimes.
    I'm in NOVA, and the traffic puts the B in booty.
    And they just keep building houses...
    I think they should just systematically disperse (across time and states) the various government agencies until things get reasonable.
    Which is clearly why I am not allowed to make decisions.
  • Stay the hell away from 270. The last thing I need is one more person on that damned road when I'm wheeling in from Hagerbush.

    Good luck optimizing this route.
  • Can you convert that to my new method of measuring time and distance? It's cookies. I invented it the other day when Pat and I bought a box of bakery cookies at the grocer and were eating them on the way back to his house. Then we went to my house and noticed we could eat 1 cookie between his house and my house, so our houses are 1 cookie apart. So we made it a new unit of measurment. I don't know what this has to do with anything, but we found it hilarious.

...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
