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Journal DesScorp's Journal: On being a Nation of Laws 5

Very soon, Terri Schiavo will die. Those that supported her court-enforced death will be glad it's over, that they don't have to hear about it anymore. They'll go back to doing other things; arguing about KDE vs. Gnome, watching Survivor, wondering what Steve Jobs will say next. Meanwhile, they'll be satisfied that they did their part to drive home that we're a nation of laws.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Because we're NOT unusual that way. Most nations are nations of laws. We are. Saudi Arabia is. China is.

Hitler's Germany was.

They followed the law faithfully in Nazi Germany. The concentration camps in fact had the force of the the Nuremberg Laws behind them, laws that were, to some extent, similar to some of our own past laws, ones you may have heard of. Slavery. Jim Crow. We've had a few in our time...

The Law does not neccessarily equal Justice.

This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

This is not to say that laws should NEVER be followed or respected. But neither should they be blindly followed. And it shouldn't be easy to break them. But there are times when we must be prepared to do so. We're lucky to live in a nation where this need is rare, but even here, it arises from time to time.

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. ~Voltaire

Disobediance in itself is not a noble act, and can (and should) have consequences.

  "Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe." ~John Milton

But remember that freedom for black men, voting for women, and even home schooling were against the law at one time or another.

I'm not saying it's easy to do so. In fact, you should hope you never have to...but there comes a time when, after all other options are extinguished, the law must be disobeyed.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. ~Edmund Burke

So call us extreme, meddling, irrational, emotional if you wish. But we aren't going to forget this, nor how the force of law was used to take this woman's life. At least, we can try, through politics, to change the laws (and politicians and officials) that allowed, even encouraged this to happen.

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. ~Louis D. Brandeis

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On being a Nation of Laws

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • A bad, cheating 'husband', going home each night and fucking some other woman he's been shacked up with for a long time, has control over a female vegetable, aged 41.

      There's even some doubt as to whether her condition really is PVS. If it were, she would be completely nonresponsive to external stimuli. Instead, there has been plenty of evidence to the contrary. Some are saying that she was misdiagnosed, and that her current state would be better described as a "state of minimal consciousness" (IIRC).

    • What the fuck is wrong with the world... I agree with you so much it hurts. I don't think there's been a situation like this where I sat back and just went, "whoa, there is definitely something fucked up going on." Even throughout the 2004 election cycle, I didn't have this kind of incredulity at the actions of the left.

      I'm glad to have a few friends and fans here that can say what I'm feeling better than I can express. I am just so sick to my stomach, just hearing all of the projecting onto this ca
  • The Holy Koran!!!!

    CIA World Factbook | Saudi Arabia [cia.gov]

    Compare and contrast with our Republic. If you don't like the laws, you can elect new legislators to have them changed. Good luck on that [pollingreport.com], btw.

Live within your income, even if you have to borrow to do so. -- Josh Billings
