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Journal M.C. Hampster's Journal: Survivor Reminder 7

As a reminder to those who watch Survivor: the show airs tonight on CBS, rather than tomomrrow due to college basketball.

To those who don't care about Survivor: what are you doing here anyway? :-)

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Survivor Reminder

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  • I'll be taping it while I fix our closet. Then when the wife gets home from Awana we'll put the kids to bed and watch it. Fun, fun, fun.

    I missed great race yesterday. Gonna have to start scrounging for a tape at work.
  • to make fun of you people that watch these silly reality shows.
    • I second the motion to have fans of reality TV shows deported to Pluto.... .... what do you mean nobody brought the motion forward?

      lol @ CmdrTaco "Plain Old Text" function is broken and deletes certain line breaks (like the one between .... and ....).

    • Carry on then.

    • Is that all TeeVee "programs" be only Reality Shows, by law. Eventually, I want only "Running Man"-type shows where contestants vie not for humiliation (boring) but rather their own lives.

      And I want the ones who fail to get hacked apart alive, maybe by a meat shredder, with gore splattering the survivors, the cameras and the live studio audience.

      And I want participation to be by mandatory national lottery, but you can buy your way out for a small sum (say $50k).

      Population reduction AND entertainment, wha

  • But I do watch Survivor and I have gotten sorta hooked on "Lost", which is of course on tonight at the same time. I tape things so rarely my current setup isn't ready for watching and taping at the same time, so I may just have to pick one. Or I could just blow them both off and read "Red Mars" instead :-)

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. -- Jerome Klapka Jerome
