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More Timewasters

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  • Did you play the yetilympics yet?

    My scores aren't so hot:( I can do okay with the snowballs. Awful at baseball. So-so on others.

    • Yeah, I don't find the other ones has fun as the golf one.

      • The trick being I really suck at the golf one. I have no idea how people are getting these gargantuan scores, except with a little bit of dumb luck. Is the elephant just a block? I thought the giraffe was, but I found you could shoot under it. Even better if you hit it in the mouth, it would chuck the penguin.
        • The snakes act as springs which shoot you into the air. As of yet, I've only hit a little over 1500, as I can't find much in the way of a good starting combo. Fairly amusing though.
  • Personal best so far: 3811.

    Yes! 3926. It took a half hour though. :)

    A tip for those having trouble at first like I was.
    I found it best to ignore the giraffes. Just shoot a low flat trajectory and high power. The snakes should bounce you over most things.

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