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Journal turgid's Journal: C, C++, C# 5

C, C++ and C# are all the same if you're a recruitment consultant, it would seem.

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C, C++, C#

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  • Their search engine strips meaningless punctuation (just like slashdot: [] ).

    • This...
      • by turgid ( 580780 )

        The one that prompted this journal entry phoned me up to say that she had, "An exciting opportunity," for me. It's always an exciting opportunity.

        It was too far away and it was Java and C++.

        Now I do a bit of C++, but my main language is C. I have done a little bit of Java, but nothing significant. It's on my CV as one of the things I have a little familiarity with.I wouldn't mind learning some more Java.

        The main part, the current job, says, in large, friendly letters "Linux, C and bash."

        I explained to this

        • To this day, I wonder how we can solve the "recruiting of technical people" problem. The technical people themselves are usually not socially apt enough to see the other things HR people look for and for HR the technical aspect is way too hard... especially if they have to do the primary filtering. I guess the problem is NP-hard ;-)

          She said, "So things like C#..."

          How did she pronounce that? C-Sharp (as it's supposed to be) or C-Hash or C-Pound? i'm just wondering... :-D

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
