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Comment Bring it on (Score 1) 1

my 8-bit Atari overclocked to 2433KHz is unaffected by any modern webpage malware.
some people run Atari VCS emulation under Linux
while other folks can run Linux on their Atari VCS.

Submission + - Burning Ice Drilled from Alaska's Slope

bagboy writes: As sources of renewable energy are being sought, BP announced a new method of extracting natural gas from ice underneath Alaska's North Slope drilling fields. The release from BP's site, a news story from Anchorage, Alaska's KTUU (Channel 2) and a wikipedia entry for Gas Hydrates.

Fuel Tanks Made of Corncob Waste 176

Roland Piquepaille writes "The National Science Foundation is running a story on how corncob waste can be used to created carbon briquettes with complex nanopores capable of storing natural gas. These methane storage systems may encourage mass-market natural gas cars. In fact, these 'briquettes are the first technology to meet the 180 to 1 storage to volume target set by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2000.' They can lead to flat and compact tanks and have already been installed in a pickup truck used regularly by the Kansas City Office of Environmental Quality. And as the whole natural gas infrastructure exists already, this new technology could be soon adopted by car manufacturers."

Microsoft Apologizes for Serving Malware 171

dark_15 writes "Microsoft has apologized for serving malware via its websites and Windows Live Messenger software. APC reader Jackie Murphy reported the problem: 'With Microsoft launching Vista along with their Defender software to protect users from viruses and spyware, it seems therefore to be an oxymoron that they have started to putting paid changing banner advertisements for malware, on the popular MSN groups servers.'"
The Internet

The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines 108

ReadWriteWeb writes "Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) Charles S. Knight has compiled a list of the top 100 alternative search engines. The list includes Artificial Intelligence systems, Clustering engines, Recommendation Search engines, Metasearch, and many more hidden gems of search. People use four main search engines for 99.99% of their searches: Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and (in that order). But Knight has discovered, via his work as an SEO, that in the other .01% lies a vast multitude of the most innovative and creative search engines around."
The Internet

Who Killed the Webmaster? 334

XorNand writes "With the explosive growth of the Web in the previous decade, many predicted the birth of a new, well-paying, and in-demand profession: the Webmaster. Yet in 2007, this person has somehow vanished; even the term is scarcely mentioned. What happened? A decade later I'm left wondering: Who killed the Webmaster?"

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