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Journal pudge's Journal: Leaking Classified Information 3

Um ... why is it "a shocking revelation," in the words of Harry Reid, that Bush (reportedly, accrding to hearsay testimony) authorized the disclosure of a limited amount of classified information to a reporter, in order to rebut a false national security story (namely, that Wilson's trip to Africa proved anything at all in regard to Bush's "16 words")?

The authorized information was not a new story: Bush had already said that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa. He simply authorized some release of information from the NIE to back up that claim. There's no indication of any kind that the authorized disclosure compromised anything at all. There's no indication the authorization had anything whatsoever to do with Valerie Wilson's identity.

So even if it is all true, this story is one big "so what?"

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Leaking Classified Information

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  • There's no indication of any kind that the authorized disclosure compromised anything at all. There's no indication the authorization had anything whatsoever to do with Valerie Wilson's identity.

    Yeah, I read a Yahoo news story yesterday that did everything in its power to insinuate a connection. I was all set to post about it elsewhere, because they'd apparently equated "sensitive security information about Iraq" with "Valerie Wilson's identity," and as near as I can tell, there is no evidence that Val

    • Three things have bothered me about this particular piece of the evolving story:

      1) As you've said, he has the power to declassify information, so a big "So what?" should be in order.

      2) Given #1, wouldn't declassification of information be more rightly termed "disclosure" rather than "leak"?

      3) Neverminding #1 and #2, wasn't the NIE completely declassified and distributed at the end of July? Libby's conversation took place at the beginning of July, so it doesn't seem like a huge stretch to believe that they
      • By definition, I always perceived a leak to be "revealing information without the permission of your boss, the President." Since the President IS the boss, from my point of view, he can't leak. The only thing that makes leaking bad simply for being leaking is that it is insubordination. Now, specific leaks can be bad because they endanger people or operations. But leaks that don't cause such danger are bad for no other reason than the fact that they represent an underling doing something he does not hav

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