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Journal ndogg's Journal: War is never justifiable 1

War may be necessary, but it is never justifiable. What would be justifiable would be changing people's lives and ideas into what one believes to be right and truthful. However, the threat that certain people pose to others may necessitate immediate use of force. No war is justifiable, nor will there ever be a justifiable war, not even WWII. Was WWII necessary? Yes, it was to protect the lives of innocent people. Justice would have been convincing the Nazis that what they were doing was wrong, and making them stop without force, but protecting the lives of innocent is a more important issue that can necessitate force.

Was the war in Iraq necessary? I consider myself to be rather liberal, far left standing, but I am not sure. Getting rid of an evil regime that would murder its own people is a compelling reason. The motivations of terror and WMDs seemed to rely on sketchy evidence, at best. Throwing people's lives (the lives of the people of Iraq, in this case) into chaos seems be a compelling reason against the necessity of war. War brings to point the darker sides of human nature, which cannot bring about justice.

In the anime series, Trigun, Vash the Stampede refuses to kill anything, human and non-human alike, even though he himself is superhuman. He grows up with the notion that all life is precious, in stark contrast to his brother Knives' view that only the lives of people like themselves (Vash and Knives, who are in every manner superior to humans) are worth saving. Knives' motto is to "kill the spider to save the butterflies," whereas Vash's motto is "all our lives are open [ended]" (or something like that, I do not recall the exact quote.) Vash, ironically, has a $$60 billion bounty on his head, and is well-known to be an ace gunman. He does sport a gun throughout the show, but he always uses it to save the lives of others. His idealism leaves him with large scars all over his body. Knives, on the other hand, lives in secrecy using his henchmen (the Gung Ho Guns) to carry out his plan to destroy humanity (who he considers inferior.) Legato Blue is the top ranked Gung Ho Gun, who, ironically, does not carry a gun, but he does not need to. He has the ability to control people telepathically, and so therefore he can kill people without a gun. He is, arguably, more evil than Knives himself, and is one of the best villains I have seen in any show (second only to Vicious from Cowboy Bebop.)

Redemption and forgiveness seem to be notions lost upon many Christians, in spite of their constant preaching of them. If God gave people their freedom, why can people not give each other freedom? It is one thing to preach the wrongness of a viewpoint or lifestyle, but a wholly separate issue to enforce the Christian lifestyle upon others. They seem hell-bent (no pun intended) on pushing and enforcing their lifestyles and viewpoints upon others.

Brought to you by an organized and (hopefully) grammatically correct flurry of stream-of-conscious thought.

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War is never justifiable

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  • I usually consider "necessary" to imply "justifiable"; that means that every necessary thing is justifiable. This above journal entry, though, seems to use the word "justifiable" in another way, though...

    Perhaps people don't usually remember, but war has many negative qualities even if it was necessary, even if the lack of war would be worse.

Power corrupts. And atomic power corrupts atomically.
