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Journal mercedo's Journal: Tacit Dimension II 18

'I respond to my guests with a smile.'

We are encouraged to attach the sticker below the name plate, which says as above only after we feel convinced to be able to do so.

I don't like to attach such a sticker. Because this is just a statement of common sense. We don't attach a sticker which says ' I don't kill humans.' or ' I don't steal money.' These rules belong to our tacit dimension. Everybody knows it's correct, and we daren't to express it's so. I've been already able to practice so naturally, so I find no reason to attach such sticker furthermore.

I don't attach a sticker.

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Tacit Dimension II

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  • I see you don't have your smile sticker attached yet. You don't seem to have a problem smiling, are you refusing the sticker, simply, to be contrary?

    Perhaps the sticker should be given as a reward for following the advise - a postive external statement - as opposed to a self-evaluative measure. It would make employees more willing to wear it.

    In my opinion... it's part of a uniform, so I'd suggest not over-analyzing it, and simply treating it as a part of a uniform.

    • You don't seem to have a problem smiling, are you refusing the sticker, simply, to be contrary?

      Yeah, yeah. I guess so.

      I consulted my supervisor whether this is compulsory, he said no, it isn't, this ought to be voluntary basis.

      I noticed sometimes they use these stickers as a sign of submission. Simply if I had been told to wear a sticker no matter how the reason of it, I would have done so. As a matter of fact, I had worn other stickers in the past, simply I took it for granted that to wear is a part of

      • You have just hit upon my favorite Dilbert cartoon [comcast.net]


        • I just realised that the sticker is not an description of myself, but an indication to other people, here to the customers. So if I wore the sticker, that would help them to know how they can get access to us.
          • Yes, that's right. But you are also right. If you choose to conform, as a mark of totally free choice - then you choose to be part of the team. So you are right that there is a social-test, as well.

            From a customer perspective... if you do not wear such a sticker, then every smile you give, lets others think you are trying hard, because you don't have a sticker yet. But... if you wear the sticker, but don't smile, then people will think that you've gotten your reward, and don't feel the need anymore.

  • We don't attach a sticker which says ' I don't kill humans.'

    Which is a shame, because it would make it much easier for me to lure my victims...
      • Eating people is definitely wrong; the average oven just isn't large enough for a torso, and people are very dry without stuffing. Sure, you could just do a rack of ribs and smother it in some commercial barbeque sauce, but that's like burying someone in a McDonalds' burger wrapper...

        Serve chianti with liver? That's psycho!
        • Serve chianti with liver? That's psycho!
          My Granddad will have strong red wine with anything! Chicken? Red. Fish? Red...

          The wrong sauce... Deserves the fires of hell! Don't people realise what they're doing to culture?

          • Ah, now there's the real question with cannibalism: what is the best way to serve humanity?
            • or for the lonely , you could try self service
              • Finger food?

                But that reminds me...

                Much to his mum and dad's dismay
                Horace ate himself one day.
                He didn't stop to say his grace,
                He just sat down and ate his face.
                "We can't have this" his dad declared,
                "If that lad's ate he should be shared"
                But even as they watched they saw
                Horace eating more and more...

                (Sorry, I can't remember more off the top of my head. And I can't be arsed typing the rest.)
                • No idea how it goes but I will guess

                  But even as they watched they saw
                  Horace eating more and more...
                  To his father then occurred a thought
                  does he eat his belly or first his gob
                  If either of these disappear ,
                  he can't even hope to eat no more
                  So out of anger his mother did cry
                  The laws of physics still apply
                  • Well, I can't remember the middle bit, but the end goes:

                    'Til there he lay, a boy no more
                    Just a stomach on the floor.
                    Nonetheless, since it was his
                    They ate it...that's what haggis is.

                    Its from Monty Python's* Big Red Book, a send-up of Hillaire Belloc. Physics whas never a concern, but not a bad guess.

                    (*Does not being able to fully quote a passage of Python mean I have to turn in my nerd badge?)
    • Exactly. I don't want to wear the sticker for the same reason. It's a shame. By and large, if I didn't respond to my customer with a smile, he would complain about me, it is regardless of whether I wear the sticker. We ought to welcome our customer with a smile at any time. But the presence of sticker under the name card just shows how the hosts were mean and didn't know such a basic manner.

      Indeed this is a punishment. I don't wear the sticker unless our supervisor told us it's compulsory.

      • I agree. I think stickers like that are demeaning to the person required to wear them, and leaves the customer feeling that any courtesy they receive comes from fear rather than a genuine desire to provide good service.

        I suppose it makes the management look like they're doing something, though...
  • --- and frown at everyone. "A smile is a frown turned upside down."

    ... so "a frown is a smile because this sticker makes me vile."

RAM wasn't built in a day.
