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Journal mercedo's Journal: Two Months Leave 2

It's been already more than two months since I quitted my second job, now my conditions are fully restored, now it's time to work somewhere again.

Currently I am just working around 35 hours per week, I hope I work more 15 hours per week.

Really 'No pain, no gain.' I have neither time to spend extra working hours nor time to watch TV. I am just OK, but now I am rather humble person. I find new job whatever to seek for an new encounter, findings, insight into the nature of humans, besides making more earnings. Let's go.

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Two Months Leave

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  • While Ic ertainly don't have the time for a second job, I hve oftent hought that, maybe after retiring or if my conditions change, that it would cool to work in a retaraunt. The kind where they encourage you to chat with the customers and build a bit of rapport. Whether I would still be wanting to do it after a couple weeks or months though, is an entirely different question;-)
    • About fourteen years ago, we had only two or three foreigners' bars in downtown, now they are more than five -doesn't make big difference though, and I always visited one of them called 'The Big Apple'. The premises are very small with only ten seats available, but with also a small hall they had always twenty strong people inside the bar. Sometimes that exceeded thirty and we sometimes had troubles as fist-fighting, sexual harassment, molestation, pick-pocketting, but also we had nice conversations and ins

You will never amount to much. -- Munich Schoolmaster, to Albert Einstein, age 10
