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Journal mercedo's Journal: Heavy Rain 2

It's heavy rain today, for these few days the rain has been falling consistently temporarily but oftentimes pours, like a skole in tropical countries. In some area in this city, some roads are subject to sinking into the pool. Small rivers come to big torrents. Dangerous indeed.
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Heavy Rain

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  • I remember hearing about small villages on the inland sea being built as floats, tied to bamboo poles, back in the 1800s- to be able to handle flooding and high tides. Time to export the technology from the 19th century to the 21st?
    • You know much more than me.

      In Japan many major cities are developed in a plain made of the accumulation of mud from the rivers, this land is vulnerable in many disasters -eathquake, flood, tsunami, etc. so what should we do? As long as we live in this tiny fragile piece of land, it is good to learn from not only modern but our ancester's idea derived directly from their life.

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