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Comment What about us fanbois? (Score 0) 291

Office 2010 will be a HUGE improvement for Mac users as it will include Outlook at last! Few people know the pain we suffer from Entourage, probably the world's worst email client. My company uses Exchange and I have to use Outlook to be able to share calendars and use meeting invites. I hate Outlook, but it is a business tool I have to use. Unfortunately, I have to have a Windows VM running in VMware Fusion all the time to be able to use it. What a waste of resources. Office 2010 for Mac ETA Christmas 2010.
GNU is Not Unix

Oracle/Sun Enforces Pay-For-Security-Updates Plan 238

An anonymous reader writes "Recently, the Oracle/Sun conglomerate has denied public download access to all service packs for Solaris unless you have a support contract. Now, paying a premium for gold-class service is nothing new in the industry, but withholding critical security updates smacks of extortion. While this pay-for-play model may be de rigueur for enterprise database systems, it is certainly not the norm for OS manufactures. What may be more interesting is how Oracle/Sun is able to sidestep GNU licensing requirements since several of the Solaris cluster packs contain patches to GNU utilities and applications."

Server Room Smells Can Be an Early Warning 154

Barence writes "As embarrassing as it may seem, an eggy smell in a server room needn't mean broaching the delicate subject of hygiene with a colleague. It can actually be a signal that something is about to go wrong with your server setup, as this consultant discovered after days of assuming questionable personal habits were to blame. The culprit? An expiring UPS device, sending out its own unique warning signal."

Anti-Gamer South Australian Attorney General Quits 104

dogbolter writes "South Australian Attorney General, Michael Atkinson, infamous for the banning of R18+ rated games and the censoring of political comment in Australia, has quit. The recent South Australian election provided a massive swing against Atkinson's governing labor party. As a direct result of the South Australian election result, he is standing down. Hopefully someone with half a clue will assume the vacant post and overturn the decision to ban adult oriented computer games."
Wireless Networking

Auto-Scanning the Names People Choose For Their Wireless APs 422

MichaelSmith writes "I code on the tram, going to and from work, and I noticed that there are a lot of WiFi access points along the way. So one week I made it my job to write an automatic scanner which runs from a cron job every minute during commuting times. My backup script pushes the new AP names to my web server and you can read it online. It is a mixture of the straightforward, naive and funny, with a few pop culture references along the way. The first column in the file is the number of access points with that name. The second column is the AP name, in brackets to pick up white space." Why can't "Dress Me Slowly" and "Domestic Bliss" just share an AP?

Comment Re:Now I see the problem (Score 0) 154

That's just it, he argues when told to stop reading and go to bed or to stop playing with other toys, but he doesn't have an agressive paddy like he does when he's been playing on his computer or DS. He really is disoriented by playing these games. However, I don't think that his loathing of brussel sprouts can be blamed on computer games.

Comment Now I see the problem (Score 0) 154

I always wondered if there was any truth in the, "TV and computer games are bad for you" story until my son was born. When he was 3 and was told to turn off the TV, he had a paddy. He's grown out of that, but now he's 6 and plays on his PC and Nintendo DS, when he's told to finish and switch it off, he gets quite agressive and shouts and makes threats. Even he realizes later that it is ridiculous and unacceptable, but he is so disoriented from being immersed in the game (Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones if you must know) that he can't see reason at the time. I guess it's all part of learning and growing up.

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