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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Someone check my math here....  *Saturday February 02, 2019 @05:59AM  2
   attached to Foxconn Says It Will Build Wisconsin Factory After All
Re:Tagging? lol  *Tuesday January 29, 2019 @05:34PM  2
   attached to Apple Was Notified About Major FaceTime Eavesdropping Bug Over a Week Ago
Re:He can't even get the money for his stupid wall  *Friday January 25, 2019 @03:02AM  2
   attached to Trump Offered NASA Unlimited Funding To Put People on Mars by 2020, Report Says
I feel like I'm playing World of Warcraft!  *Saturday January 05, 2019 @05:03AM 1 5, Funny
   attached to Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse Is Coming Later This Month
Re:That reminds me ...  *Saturday December 15, 2018 @05:45AM 2 2
   attached to Porn Sites Collect More User Data Than Netflix Or Hulu
The small print...  *Monday December 10, 2018 @03:23AM  1
   attached to Japan is Giving Away Free Houses
Re:I watched a few minutes of his videos...  *Sunday December 09, 2018 @02:14AM  2
   attached to YouTube's Top-Earner For 2018 Is a 7-Year-Old
Re:Simple solution  *Thursday November 29, 2018 @04:19PM  2
   attached to How Restaurants Got So Loud
Re:Violation of Magnussen-Moss Act  *Tuesday November 13, 2018 @02:57AM 1 2
Re:News for nerds  *Tuesday November 13, 2018 @02:50AM 1 2
   attached to Apple Confirms Its T2 Security Chip Blocks Some Third-Party Repairs of New Macs
Then top favoring students with top grades...  *Sunday November 04, 2018 @02:30AM  2
   attached to Are Touchscreens Robbing a Generation of Surgeons of Their Dexterity?
Re:Hmm, sales are down?  *Saturday November 03, 2018 @03:26AM 2 5, Informative
   attached to Apple Will No Longer Reveal How Many iPhones, iPads, and Macs It Sells
Re:Just cut the . . .satellite. . . or cord  *Wednesday October 31, 2018 @10:19AM  2
   attached to How Much Does a Cable Box Really Cost? The Industry Would Prefer You Don't Ask
Re:New kind of dupe?  *Wednesday October 24, 2018 @02:34AM  2
   attached to Microplastics Found In Human Stools For the First Time
Re:Not bad, but not perfect  *Wednesday October 17, 2018 @02:18PM 7 5, Insightful
   attached to Someone Used a Deep Learning AI To Perfectly Insert Harrison Ford Into "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
Re:Good. Less problems for the pirates  *Wednesday October 17, 2018 @02:11AM  2
   attached to Rolls-Royce Wants To Fill the Seas With Self-Sailing Ships
Re:Not really new...  *Thursday October 11, 2018 @02:13AM 1 2
   attached to Newly Discovered Volcanic 'Lost World' Is a Haven For Marine Life
Re:$1.25/hr raise!  *Thursday October 11, 2018 @02:16AM 1 5, Insightful
   attached to Amazon Is Raising Some Workers' Pay Further, Adding Bonuses After Controversy
Re:I like my original Magic Trackpad  *Monday October 01, 2018 @01:27AM  2
   attached to Linux Kernel Finally Nearing Support For The Apple Magic Trackpad 2, Thanks To a Google Employee
Re:Open-source hardware, eh?  *Sunday September 30, 2018 @06:58PM  2
   attached to System76's Much-Anticipated Open Source 'Thelio' Linux Computer Will Be Available To Pre-Order Starting Next Month, But Shipping
Well, this will drive down the stock price.  *Thursday September 27, 2018 @06:18PM 1 5, Insightful
   attached to SEC Charges Elon Musk With Fraud Over His Statements To Take Tesla Private
Welcome to the Matrix.  *Monday September 24, 2018 @03:27PM  2
   attached to Despite Outrage From Users, Microsoft Continues To Install Bloatware Applications Onto Every Windows 10 PC
Re:So  *Saturday September 15, 2018 @04:54AM  2
   attached to 'Seven Dirty Words' Restriction Policy Lifted from .US Domain Name Registrations
It just works.  *Tuesday September 11, 2018 @12:39AM 2 3
   attached to Someone With an iMac, iPhone, and iPad Might Soon Need Three Different Headphone Adapters

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
