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Journal Journal: Goddamned rejections.

2001-04-10 15:52:46 Hidden Server (articles,news) (rejected)
2001-07-30 19:17:14 Microsoft's latest Code Red Warning (articles,news) (rejected)
2001-12-11 05:41:57 Sony cracking down on Playstation mod chip makers (articles,games) (rejected)
2002-06-29 18:06:18 Apple Shuts Down Parody Ad (articles,humor) (rejected)
2002-07-09 16:33:01 Gnutella Founder Dies in Accident (articles,news) (rejected)
2002-10-03 12:47:10 Did Microsoft shut down Lik Sang? (articles,microsoft) (rejected)

God this is getting old. Thought I had them on the Lik Sang thing.

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