Comment Re:Bias from personal preference (Score 1) 183
So, judging by your response and the one above it; I am inclined to conclude that either experience is possible, and a lot of it depends on the culture (as well as probably the space itself).
So, judging by your response and the one above it; I am inclined to conclude that either experience is possible, and a lot of it depends on the culture (as well as probably the space itself).
Then stop using Google.
And stop giving them your data, while you're at it.
I don't think you need to bring time into it. Just think about the absolutes of matter.
On the one hand, there is absolute zero.
On the other hand, there is the speed of light.
These are measured as different properties (temperature vs velocity), but they are the two opposite infinite states of matter.
Absolute zero would mean the complete absence of energy. Light speed means matter has transformed into energy.
So by definition, when we're talking about matter, we're talking about the stuff that exists between these two absolutes.
(Do I have this right? I've always wondered if this is common knowledge in physics, or if I am not thinking of it properly.)
Keep in mind that these unsecured phones carry not only information about you (your name, email, phone, address, photos, etc.); but also many contain deep info that allows a hacker to get deeper into other data.
Imagine your doctor's phone isn't secure. Also imagine your doctor stores passwords to her office system in her notes app. The result: your medical records are open to the world.
If 1 in 4 phones is insecure, that basically means all data about you that is out of your direct control... is quite insecure.
Just curious what this represents vs. what it represented in 2000.
Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.