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Journal TechnoLust's Journal: TechnoLust In Da Club 13

My friend JH goes to my church. He's 27 and was in the army, and travelled a lot. When he was in the army, he had a friend that he went to clubs with. Since he's been out, he hasn't been to a club. They just opened up a new club here in town, and he asked me if I wanted to go with him. I didn't really, but I like him and he doesn't have a lot of friends here in town (most of them are in the military or elsewhere in the country). So I said ok. I told him last week that we'd go to the club tonight.

So after working 11 hours straight yesterday, I had another 11 hour day today, although I did get lunch. Since I was so late leaving work, I didn't get to go to the gym, which pissed me off, but, whatever. When I checked my messages, the girl that stayed here that night had left a message on my cell phone. It said, and this is verbatim except for the names, "Hey [TechnoLust], it's [KM]. I need to ask you a really important question, please call me back as soon as you get this, it's really important I talk to you." I called her back and she said she'd call me back later because she was out of daytime minutes. Ok, so it's so important that I have to call her back IMMEDIATELY, and when I do she tells me she'll call back. Odd.

So, JH calls me on the way home. He wants to know if I still want to hit the club. Why not? We go find the club. GMontag called as I was walking in. I had to go outside to hear him. After a while I started seeing people I knew. I wasn't really "into" it, I'm just not a clubbing type person anymore. But I went and we sat at a table and started people watching. After a few beers, he decided he wanted to know why people were there, so he started going up to people and talking to them, and asking them why they were there. Meanwhile, this girl comes up to me and asks me to dance, so I did. She's one of those REALLY close dancers, but she had a nice body and she was cute. I went back to the table and we talked some more. Then she came up later when a faster song was on. I realized JH hadn't danced all night, so I told him to dance with her. He tried. Apparently he suffers from an extreme case of Caucasia.

I haven't really wanted to go out clubbing since I took CR to lunch. But it was fun. I danced a slow song with the chick that asked me to dance on the the previous song, and we danced the slow one. When it was over she hugged me. I saw a girl that used to come over to my house all the time for the parties, and then she was there the rest of the time just hanging with us. They played a song my roommate used to play a lot, so we reminisced about that. Then the girl that asked me to dance, came by and she said she was leaving, she hugged me agoin and then kissed me on the cheek and told me to be careful going home, then she left. I guess all in all I had fun. I'm really sleepy though, so I'm going to bed.

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TechnoLust In Da Club

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  • He tried. Apparently he suffers from an extreme case of Caucasia.

    Caucasia? I resent your apparent implication that white people can't dance. Maybe some of y'all from down South there can't, but I'm from *Detroit*, baby. Dancing is a required course here. ;)

    • Hey, I'm white and I have rythm and have no problems dancing. My friend on the other hand... wow. What he was doing well it can only be described as random motion coupled with bouncing to the left and right, sometimes on the beat of the music, but mostly not. :-) I actually wondered if the girl would dance with me again after subjecting her to that. :-)
      • I also seem to suffer from Caucasia. The temporary cure seems to be to go to another country, go to a bar/club and get really drunk. It helps to have people around that you don't really know but are "with" you, such as when on a cruise.

        Damn that was a fun night at Carlos'n'Charlies in Cozumel.

        I almost started dancing at a casino in Canada without even drinking first, but I was too tired.
    • ~ I'm from *Detroit*, baby.
      Huh? Nobody is from Detroit, bub. Maybe you meant Dearborn or Southgate? :P
      • Actually, yes. I was born in the City of Detroit, and lived in the City of Detroit until I was in the second grade.

        Now currently, I live in Royal Oak, but that's a different story. ;)
  • ...she was out of daytime minutes. Ok, so it's so important that I have to call her back IMMEDIATELY, and when I do she tells me she'll call back

    She's a cheapo! Next time call her collect. See what she does. ;-)

    So did you talk to her later? What was so important? You can't leave us hanging like that. Is her important thing she want you to contact her via smoke signals instead of her cell because it's cheaper?

    • She hasn't called back yet... when she does, I'm going to give her whatfor about the meaning of the word IMPORTANT.
      • I know someone like this. These are the warning signs of Exaggerated Self-Importance Syndrome. Everything that they do is of UTTER IMPORTANCE, and you must satisfy their every whim or you are in the wrong.

        You can be completely right, and still be wrong, of course, but that's beside the point.

        I'm beginning to spot this behavior because I had to convince myself that this was happening with the affore mentioned "friend". Needless to say, I've left a few messages on her phone over the last 2 weeks with na
        • Yeah, she called Monday night (after 9pm, so it's free)... I said, "What was so freaking important that I had to call you immediately, but then you didn't call back for a couple of days?" She had created a spreadsheet on my computer and emailed it to her dad, and she wanted a copy, but hadn't saved it in her sent mail folder or sent it to herself. Since she left it on the desktop and I HATE clutter on the desktop, I deleted it. Too bad for her.

          On a side note, she called my cell last night at 10:50pm!!!

It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution.
