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Comment Not fine-tuned for *lots* of life (Score 2) 536

TFA does not actually put a stake through the heart of a fine-tuned universe.

In fact, it actually lends more support to the view that the universe is fine-tuned for one form of life: us.

The article's conclusion is based on the premise that a God would want to create lots of life, and so the constant should be more positive.

But the Biblical view is that humanity is unique (for various reasons). The value of the constant being negative would seem to support this.

Submission + - Kid Health Experts Attack Video Game Summer Camp (

Jack Action writes: The University of British Columbia runs a summer camp where kids get to play computer games for three hours a day. The camp organizers say it is "a good social opportunity for some kids who didn't fit into other programs."

However, health professionals declare they are "troubled" by the camp. A professor in UBC's department medicine says kids should be outside, and engaged in "unstructured play"; while the CEO of a NGO that monitors kids' health chimes in that they already spend too much time in front of screens and not exercising.

So what is it? Do the health experts have a point, or are they just criticizing something that they don't understand, or perhaps is not to their taste?

Comment Try War of Legends by Jagex (Score 1, Interesting) 106

If you are looking for a free to play browser rts, try War of Legends. The games is published by Jagex makers of Runescape, a company that generally treats its customers well.

War of Legends was also launched at the beginning of April, so I wonder if EA is forcing Lord of Ultima out the door to compete. It's tough to compete with Jagex in the browser game space though. After all, Runescape has something like 6 million players (5 million free, 1 million subscribers).

Comment Re:Real time browser games (Score 1) 106

Not being able to catch up to a veteran is one of the drawbacks of the single server for all players that Eve uses.

Don't know if Lord of Ultima will have more than one server; but competing games like Jagex's War of Legends have multiple servers, with new ones coming always online. If veteran players are dominating the old servers, you can just start up on one of the new.

Comment Re:Purpose (Score 1) 252

I've been using Slackware since '96, and I continue to use it in various capacities today. Installing Slackware and playing with it, writing programs for it, was seriously the best thing I ever did for my knowledge of computers and for Unix environments. I have skills that far surpass any of my co-workers or friends, and have often been the only one that could sort out issues with any sort of Unix environment.

I had the same experience, except with the computer science degree I was taking part time.

I ended up getting an A+ in the unix course (my other grades were usually in the B+/A-) range almost strictly from my prior knowledge gained from using Slackware day after day on my desktop.

I even got something like 105% on a midterm after the instructer had to curve it after most of the class bombed.

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