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Comment ALL Cryptocurrencies ARE SCAM!!! STAYAWAY!!! (Score 0) 9

ALL cryptocurrencies are just a new kind of scam, similar to Ponzi Scheme!!!

Isn't printing & issuing your own currency and/or stocks illegal & for really good reasons???
But isn't that what exactly cryptocurrencies really are doing???

Why do you think "Satoshi" took first 1 MILLION BITCOINS for himself & disappeared into hiding???
(Instead of proudly coming-out, if Bitcoin is really a great financial innovation???!!!)
Maybe to make sure law enforcement cannot catch him, if/when BITCOIN SCAM fails/uncovered???
Maybe to sell his 1M Bitcoins all @ once, when Bitcoin price reaches its top limits???

Would be a really good idea for government central banks to issue their own cryptocurrencies?

IMHO, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
We need to remember that, how BITCOIN price/value was keep increasing exponentially in the past!
(& it was pulling up behind all other cryptocurrency prices/values!)
& general public of whole world was starting to notice!
But, very thankfully, most of general public woken up from the spell later!
& price of BITCOIN dropped fast & stayed low for a long time!
& it is obvious, @ least 2 me, since those times, BITCOIN shills/promoters were keep trying to pump
BITCOIN price/value, again & again, hoping to jumpstart exponential increase back again!
& it is obvious, @ least 2 me, it does not really work, because most of general public still think BITCOIN is a scam!

IMHO, BITCOIN shills/promoters thought long & hard about how to gain back trust of general public!
& they found a solution: What if their own government(s) issued its own cryptocurrency?
(& they started lobbying politicians & central bank officials, no doubt!)
Realize that, then it would become easy to say/argue to general public that
"If cryptocurrencies are scam, then how come your own government(s) issuing cryptocurrency?"

What is the danger of general public trusting BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)?
Imagine that BITCOIN price starts to keep increasing exponentially again!
& this time there is absolutely nothing left to stop it!
& all public, all over the world, starting to invest all their money to BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)!
& # of people still investing any/all other legitimate investments decreases exponentially!
Realize then, whole world economy would collapse, sooner or later!!!

& IMHO, the danger of allowing FB etc large global companies to issue their own cryptocurrencies is also very similar!
Such a thing would also provide/mean a lot of official legitimacy/approval/support to BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)!

& also consider that, how each government controls/manages supply/value of its own currency, based on needs of their own economy!
& try to imagine, what would happen to each/all economy, if no such government control left/possible anymore (sooner or later)!



Our world already always have countless people keep burning to death alive (after traffic accidents), because of using gasoline (which easily starts fires) as fuel! (Diesel, for example, does NOT easily starts fires!)

Hydrogen, on the other hand, does NOT start fires but EXPLODES like a bomb!!!

If there are hydrogen vehicles around, do you seriously think their tanks would never leak or rapture, because of any accident/mishandling, for example???

IMHO, any vehicle which battery does not provide enough power/range should/must use bio-diesel as (range extender) fuel!!!
(Bio-diesel can be produced from many kinds of crops/biomass & can be used by any regular diesel vehicles too!!!)

Comment Electric Trucks just need range extenders!!! (Score -1) 141

"In August, Gates wrote a blog post about electric vehicles, saying that they will "never be a practical solution" for replacing trucks and long-haul vehicles."

Electric trucks & aircraft & ships would just need range extenders (until someday batteries becomes powerful/practical enough for them)!!!

But hydrogen fuel cell range extenders would be a HUGE MISTAKE since hydrogen fuel tanks could easily rapture/leak (for many reasons) & EXPLODE!!!

IMHO, best option would be bio-diesel range extenders, since:
Biodiesel can be produced from a very wide variety of crops/biomass!!!
Biodiesel vehicles would be also backward-compatible (can run on regular diesel to ease transition)!!!
Biodiesel fuel does not easily start fires in accidents/leaks (unlike gasoline or ethanol)!!!


Just let all (IT) workers/divisions of USA companies keep getting replaced w/ cheaper foreign visa workers continue???

Just let all Chinese academic/industrial/military tech spying of USA keep continue???

(Clearly there is really a huge difference between book smart & street smart people!!! :-)


Our world already always have countless people keep burning to death alive (after traffic accidents), because of using gasoline (which easily starts fires) as fuel! (Diesel, for example, does NOT easily starts fires!)

Hydrogen, on the other hand, does NOT start fires but EXPLODES like a bomb!!!

If there are hydrogen vehicles around, do you seriously think their tanks would never leak or rapture, because of a traffic accident, for example???

IMHO, any vehicle which battery does not provide enough power/range should/must use bio-diesel as (range extender) fuel!!!
(Bio-diesel can be produced from many kinds of crops/biomass & can be used by any regular diesel vehicles too!!!)

Comment There is no such thing as Dark Matter (IMHO)!!! (Score -1) 27

IMHO, Dark Matter is just a side effect caused by Dark Energy!

Think of how rising dough/bread creates bubbles & (so) a web-like structure!
& now imagine that, Dark Energy creates (keep growing) large bubbles of intergalactic voids & so the Cosmic Web!

(Imagine that, spacetime is a superfluid medium that made of (gas-like) virtual particles of quantum vacuum!
& now imagine that, the Cosmic Web is made of denser spacetime superfluid (because of constant push from bubbles created by Dark Energy)!)

If you THINK, this view would easily explain:
Why there is no such thing as any kind of "Dark Matter Particle" to find!
Why a small percentage of galaxies appear to have no DM!
Why some galaxies could appear to have too much DM!

Comment It's HUMAN ERROR & NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!!! (Score 0) 271

IMHO, real cause of large/many out of control wildfires everywhere, including CA, always is the same:

IMHO, what is happening in CA is because some naive/misguided people, who thought/claimed they are protecting some wildlife, by preventing all forest management!!!
But, of course, what they actually caused/causing is the exact opposite: burning all wildlife to death alive & also all trees & plants & lots of property!!!

& now, instead of admitting they were wrong & bringing back proper forest management policies, they are SHAMELESSLY BLAMING CLIMATE CHANGE!!!

Comment Facial Recognition Tech is IMMENSELY BENEFICIAL!!! (Score 0) 264

IMHO, Facial Recognition & License Plate Scanner techs are immensely beneficial for law enforcement & common good of general public!

Imagine a future world where/when law enforcement can quickly find & catch any wanted criminals!
Imagine a future world where/when criminals can no longer walk or drive around @ public places/streets!
Would not these be immensely beneficial for law enforcement & common good of general public?

(License Plate Scanners could also detect drivers who did not pay fines/fees/insurance etc.)

(By the way, IMHO, electronic license plates should/must never be allowed to be legal anywhere, because they can be easily reprogrammed later, to defeat License Plate Scanners, by displaying fake license plates!)

Facial Recognition tech can also be used for ticketless public transportation & shopping etc, w/o needing to carry money or card etc.

Also, Facial Recognition & License Plate Scanner techs are bad/evil, just because,
they can do the same job, better (cheaper & more accurately & immensely faster) than any law enforcement people can?

What about privacy?

IMHO, general public is not really obsessed about privacy, unlike self-appointed "privacy advocates" (like ACLU & EFF) always claim/pretend!
IMHO, the only people who are always really obsessed about "privacy" are criminals & their tireless supporters (like ACLU & EFF)!


Would be a really good idea for government central banks to issue their own cryptocurrencies?

IMHO, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
We need to remember that, how BITCOIN price/value was keep increasing exponentially in the past!
(& it was pulling up behind all other cryptocurrency prices/values!)
& general public of whole world was starting to notice!
But, very thankfully, most of general public woken up from the spell later!
& price of BITCOIN dropped fast & stayed low for a long time!
& it is obvious, @ least 2 me, since those times, BITCOIN shills/promoters were keep trying to pump
BITCOIN price/value, again & again, hoping to jumpstart exponential increase back again!
& it is obvious, @ least 2 me, it does not really work, because most of general public still think BITCOIN is a scam!

IMHO, BITCOIN shills/promoters thought long & hard about how to gain back trust of general public!
& they found a solution: What if their own government(s) issued its own cryptocurrency?
(& they started lobbying politicians & central bank officials, no doubt!)
Realize that, then it would become easy to say/argue to general public that
"If cryptocurrencies are scam, then how come your own government(s) issuing cryptocurrency?"

What is the danger of general public trusting BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)?
Imagine that BITCOIN price starts to keep increasing exponentially again!
& this time there is absolutely nothing left to stop it!
& all public, all over the world, starting to invest all their money to BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)!
& # of people still investing any/all other legitimate investments decreases exponentially!
Realize then, whole world economy would collapse, sooner or later!!!

& IMHO, the danger of allowing FB etc large global companies to issue their own cryptocurrencies is also very similar!
Such a thing would also provide/mean a lot of official legitimacy/approval/support to BITCOIN (& all other cryptocurrencies)!

& also consider that, how each government controls/manages supply/value of its own currency, based on needs of their own economy!
& try to imagine, what would happen to each/all economy, if no such government control left/possible anymore (sooner or later)!

ALL cryptocurrencies are just a new kind of scam, similar to Ponzi Scheme!!!

Isn't printing & issuing your own currency and/or stocks illegal & for really good reasons???
But isn't that what exactly cryptocurrencies really are doing???

Why do you think "Satoshi" took first 1 MILLION BITCOINS for himself & disappeared into hiding???
(Instead of proudly coming-out, if Bitcoin is really a great financial innovation!!!)

Maybe to make sure law enforcement cannot catch him, if/when BITCOIN SCAM fails/uncovered???

Maybe to sell his 1M Bitcoins all @ once, when Bitcoin price reaches its top limits???

Just THINK it!!!



There are many different known/proposed interpretations of QM:

Which one is the correct one?
IMHO, none of them! & the only true interpretation is actually very straightforward but also very profound!

Imagine that, our whole reality is actually a (special type of) quantum computer & rules of QM are actually its operation/computation rules!
& this is actually the only true/correct interpretation/meaning of QM! (& it can easily explain everything known about QM! THINK!!!)

& realize, that would also imply/mean, each quantum particle is actually a set of quantum computer state registers/variables (to make computations w/)!

For example, realize, both electric charge & rest mass of each elementary particle could be just a qutrit (in that particle) that can have one of 3 values: +1, 0, -1. (Color charge (R/G/B) would also require just a single qutrit!)

(& so, realize, what really needs to be done (by (theoretical) physicists) is, to determine how many qutrits each elementary particle has & how exactly they are used in computations, by our reality quantum computer!)

Comment ALL Cryptocurrencies ARE SCAM!!! (Score -1) 22

Are (any) fiat-currency and (any) cryptocurrency really equivalent, as cryptocurrency fans claim?
For example, US Dollar and Bitcoin are really equals?
Value/validity/authorization of US dollar is provided/guaranteed by US Government (and in-turn whole US Public)!
Also, not to mention, US Dollars in any US Bank is insured by US Government!
What authorization/guarantee/insurance is behind Bitcoin? Nothing!
Sorry but that is the end of discussion then!

Why do you think Satoshi Nakamoto is really hiding his identity, if Bitcoin is really such a great innovation?
He is just someone does not like media/fan attention?
Or, could it be really because Bitcoin (and all cryptocurrencies followed it) are actually Ponzi Schemes?
(So he knew very well that law enforcement would come after him sooner or later?!)

If so-called cryptocurrencies are really good innovation, why they attract so many criminals/criminal activity?
Could it really be because, all cryptocurrencies themselves are scams, and that is why they attract all kinds of criminals/criminal activity?

If so-called cryptocurrencies are really currency, why no company/store can use Bitcoin as currency anymore?
Because the price of Bitcoin proved to be extremely unstable to use as a currency?
Would the result be different, if Bitcoin replaced by any other "cryptocurrency"?
Aren't all work the same way?

If so-called cryptocurrencies are really money; isn't people issuing their own money, illegal already, in all countries?
If so then, why they are still not banned in all countries?

Or, they are not actually virtual currency but virtual investment?
But, if they are actually investment, why we need/want them?
What would happen to world economy, if people invested in virtual investments, instead of real investments?

Or, all so-called cryptocurrencies are actually just a modified (made decentralized and paying variable interest) Ponzi Schemes?
(Price of cryptocurrencies would keep increasing in the long term (by their design), so it is equivalent of paying variable interest to all long term investors.)

Also, since all so-called cryptocurrencies are actually financial scams (Ponzi Schemes), that means, they cannot be the solution for any of existing financial problems of our world!

As more and more people invest in cryptocurrencies, it will become harder and harder to ban their trading everywhere (because people invested in cryptocurrencies, would try to stop anyone trying to ban cryptocurrencies)!
All cryptocurrencies need to be banned globally before it is too late!

Comment TRANSLATION (IMHO)!!! (Score -1) 76

"Let's destroy all big tech companies (who listen/help government law enforcement) & turn whole internet to fully distributed & encrypted DARK WEB!!! So that all harmful/illegal/exploitative/bullying/criminal content/action can happen absolutely free from all law enforcement & cleanup attempts!!!"

First of all big tech companies like FB, GOOGLE, APPLE are NOT monopolies!!!
FB is NOT the only social media company!!!
GOOGLE is NOT the only internet search company!!!
APPLE is NOT the only smartphone company!!!
(& since they are all private (NOT public) companies/services, they can all fully free to make their own rules for their services!!!)

Not to mention. general public is NOT obsessed w/ privacy & always happy to help government law enforcement,
quite unlike what some worthless self-appointed "privacy advocate" SJWs think/claim!!!


& that is the problem!

Imagine, you created a whole new (global) financial scam, that literally allows you to print your own money out of thin air; as much as you like!
(& why really do you think "Satoshi" took first 1 MILLION bitcoins for himself & disappeared into hiding (instead of proudly coming out)?)

But also imagine, sometime later you run into a huge public distrust problem, against your scam!

Realize, a great way to gain public trust would be, if you can find other killer apps for your scam algorithm!
Then, the public would think "this algorithm is so useful & bitcoin uses it; then maybe I should invest all my money to bitcoin!"

That is really why some people are desperately keep trying really hard to find any other killer apps for blockchain algorithm!
(Even though nobody else (other than cryptocurrency scammers) really needs it for anything important/useful!)

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