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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 17 declined, 1 accepted (18 total, 5.56% accepted)


Submission + - MS anounces Anti-Piracy Day - ARRRRGH! (

Sfing_ter writes: "Microsoft has decide to declare a Global Anti-Piracy Day — a piracy abatement program using "education initiatives" and "enforcement actions" in hopes to stem the tide of the $50billion dollars the BSA says software companies lost last year... ahem. No date was given ITA but if you follow the MS link ITA you get that it is today (Oct. 21st), I guess that is part of the "Education" initiative they are putting forward. Read — Gag — Don eye patch and Arrrr away."

Submission + - Verizon Wireless outage in Northern California

Sfing_ter writes: "Verizon Wireless has been down on the Northern California coast since around 1:30pm PST (from San Francisco to King City) Have not seen or heard anything except I did finally get through to them (i use verizon), and they have no ETA on the network coming back up. Landline to voicemail is blocked by everyone attempting to check their messages. The Good thing is — I haven't had a call from any of my customers since then, but the Bad thing though is I HAVEN'T HAD A CALL FROM ANY OF MY CUSTOMERS SINCE THEN. No one seems to know anything, anybody out there in /.ia know of anything?"

Submission + - Germany Bans "Hacking Tools" (

Sfing_ter writes: "This may be a bit late but German lawmakers have decided to ban "hacking tools", fta: ti-hacking_law/

"Updates to Germany's computer crime laws banning so-called 'hacking tools' have been criticised as ill-considered and counterproductive.

The revamp to the German criminal code is designed to tighten definitions, making denial of service attacks and attempts to sniff data on third-party wireless networks, for example, clearly criminal. Attacks would be punishable by a fine and up to 10 years imprisonment."

Sysadmins will be hard pressed to not break the law inadvertently. How long before our sena-tards and congre-tards in the US try something like this? Would Ted Stevens allow a pipe-wrench to be used on the tubes?

When Hacking Tools are banned only hackers will have Hacking Tools.... :)"

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
