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Comment Re:A Little Help Please? (Score 1, Troll) 140

Do you really trust this company that their software will indeed work as informed (sending ONLY if allowed, not logging user habits, etc)? After numerous times saying that their software is harmless to the users and each and everyday being proven wrong by security specialists I wouldn't trust it even with these settings turned off.

Comment Re:Translation... (Score 1) 318

On another note, most new-car dealerships make more from their repair departments then their sales departments.

This. It's exactly what's happening in most dealerships now, they even say it's ok if sales doesn't make a profit because you're supposed to get most of your income from the repair dept.

The Media

Technical Glitch Lets Reporters Eavesdrop On Obama, Sarkozy 411

Hugh Pickens writes "BBC reports that a technical glitch allowed reporters to listen in on a private conversation between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama, made in a backroom meeting at the G20 summit, treating listeners to a rare insight into the importance of personal relationships in international politics. 'I can't stand him any more,' said Mr. Sarkozy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 'He's a liar.' Mr. Obama replied: 'You're sick of him. I have to deal with him every day!' According to Reuters, the two presidents were apparently 'unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.' The reporters made 'a group decision... not to report the conversation as it was considered private and off-the-record,' but Arrets Sur Images, a French website that covers current affairs, got wind of the exchange and broke the story."

Comment Cool (Score 1) 168

As a former CS player I say it's really nice! Maybe soon enough you will be able to install your own applications and maybe even your own OS into those consoles and hook up extra hardware like network and video cards! Maybe they will even let you change the CPU for better performance! Oh wait....

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 538

One thing you need to learn in business. Never say "No". You will look like you are an obstruction, rather than part of the "solution". I've found the way management works is based partially on what I call "happy horseshit", which means that your attitude tends to mean more than facts do. Even if you are correct 100% of the time, if you present that with a negative attitude, you're just as apt to be shunned or even fired as the incompetent people. Indeed, you'll probably be hated more, because the incompetent people might well be amiable idiots.

And who thought we could learn something at slashdot..

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Administration: An ingenious abstraction in politics, designed to receive the kicks and cuffs due to the premier or president. -- Ambrose Bierce
