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Comment Re:Battery Life (Score 1) 376

It's something you should consider before deciding to only use google glasses (GG) as your primary glasses.. You know in advance that you are not allowed to wear the GG, so you should just have a second pair of regular glasses with you.. I even wonder how 3D glasses fit over the GG as they are much more protrusive as normal glasses..
Also you must be aware there are area's which also forbid GG like some bars and restaurants.. It's your own fault if you're a moron not to have a second pair of regular glasses at hand for cases like that..

Comment pffff.. (Score -1, Flamebait) 147

And that's the problem with a lot of scientists, they can only think in what already has been theorized and can't look beyond that.. Just like they say 'laws of physics', there are no solid 'laws of physics' as those 'laws' have only been created by man who just doesn't know every little detail.. Ofcourse it's great to have some guidelines, but as I said, a lot of scientists can't see beyond those guidelines and see them as a definite border.. Well, if we all wouldn't see past those 'laws' then we would still believe the earth was flat...

Comment Re:Any chance... (Score 1) 97

It's the pair up that is the base of the lawsuit, if Oculus hadn't sold itself to whomever there wouldn't be a problem, but they sold itself without first consulting Zenimax in regard to the tech.. Let's not forget, Carmack worked on the oculus while he was still working for Zenimax, and appearantly there is an agreement/contract about it..
So it's not like they didn't sue before because they didn't think there was any money to be had, but they didn't sue because there was no 'contract'breach, only after Oculus sold itself to Facebook there was a 'contract'breach..

Comment Re:Own medicine (Score 1) 152

Uhm, you mean, finally a game that actually makes use of the hardware you bought.. It's the biggest problem with PC's, because there is a new GPU every quarter (even though consumers don't buy them only once a few years), and the incredible ammount of different configurations, there is no incentive to even to TRY to optimize and actually use the hardware.. That's the beauty of buying a console, you know the games will still look ok/good/great by the end of the lifetime and you won't have to upgrade it, but with a PC you're glad if you're 2 year old PC can actually run the latest games on a level that looks like the console-version, or finally be able to run that 4 year old PC-game at a level that was shown in gameplay-previews due to the developers using triple SLI GPU's that weren't even on the market at the time..

Comment Re:Why do people still pay money for basic softwar (Score 1) 522

Yes, but a lot of alternatives just miss some functions that you just need or if you are reliant on macro's, well good luck converting all of them to other applications..
Free doesn't always mean better (just like paid isn't always the better one)..
Also having to invest time to get used to the othe application can get costly, if it takes you (in business) a few days/weeks to get used to the 'free' application, it's cheaper to just buy a license..
BUT then again, why upgrade to newer versions if the older versions are doing what you want? Office 2013 isn't more usefull than Office 2007..

Comment scrap funding... (Score 1) 453

If a university is coming out with a report like that, than it was not handled properly and public funding should be scrapped (IMHO a lot of public funding for universities should be scrapped IMHO, as a lot of time they are really 'researching' crappy subjects just to get their funding..

People are ready enough to learn about the existence of 'aliens'. There will always be some people who aren't ready for it (especially religious people, but then again, they believe in stuff like the bible, thoran and Qur'an which are mostly nothing more than fictitious stories laced with some thruth, but then again cinderella and little red riding hood are also..)

The people responsible for censoring every information about aliens are really just holding back the information for themselves, so they can thrive through the knowledge they get from them, and use it for their own profit..

We all know (at least if you're not a moron) we aren't the only ones in this whole universe, that's just impossible..

Comment sad (Score 1) 477

And yet the quality of a bluray is much MUCH better than any streaming of Netflix or HBO Go (at the moment).. And even 3D bluray's are really much better than any downloaded SBS/OU version, and the better detail is very important for better 3D (the higher the quality, the less eyestrain/headache (for people who have problems with that))..

Comment No it won't (Score 1) 347

He can go F himself if that's gonna happen, I've got a projector with a 100+" screen, and I've also got a phone of 5", both are FullHD, so for one I would be paying $15 and for the other $5 even though they are using exactly the same resolution, therefore bandwidth...
I have more than 600 bluray's and well over 5000 dvd's, but if they go for such a moronic pricing for digital downloads, then I'll just go and pirate it, there is a limit to what actually makes sense, but paying according to your screensize is well beyond that..

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