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Comment Re:That used to work, but it shouldn't anymore (Score 1) 184

802.11w adds security to management frames: ...which prevents this sort of silliness. You can't spoof deauth frames from other stations now, unless the WiFi network happens to be running on an older device.

Before 802.11w, you could do a passive scan, collect target MAC addresses, and then spoof deauth frames all day long, I know people used to do this at conferences or other crowded events.

And why was this stopped? Because its a form of malicious hacking.

Comment Re:Great, crash the drone into things. (Score 1) 184

Deauthentication messages work outside wifi encryption. It's a common wifi attack to broadcast deauth messages, then record the reauthentication of clients as they reconnect to the wireless access point. For encryption with known weaknesses (like WEP), reauthentication attempts can be analyzed to discover the network key. This attack is similar, but without the goal of discovering the key. Apparently, the 802.11 standard states "Deauthentication is not a request; it is a notification. Deauthentication shall not be refused by either party." If the device is standards-compliant, then spamming a deauthentication message should continually knock it offline.

Which is why its illegal to craft a fake one. If the manufacturer places a warning that they are not liable if you do that then its illegal. No amount of hand waving, or hand wringing will change that. One lawsuit by a person who knows what happens and Cyborg unplug goes the way of Aereo. This Google we are talking about. Those are only in early beta. When they WANT to roll them out, nothing will stop them.
And people are ignoring that 3g can be put on them. Then what?

Comment Re:legal loopholes? (Score 1) 184

"It doesn't interfere with radio signals themselves"

It causes intentional interference, which is illegal for a Part 15 device.

I don't know about that... by that interpretation, any RST packet sent over Wifi would be illegal.

This is the digital equivalent of saying "Hey You! Yeah, Google Glass with MAC ID XXXXYYYY! Get off my lawn!"

The rule for Part 15 devices (which includes Google Glasses) is that they must accept any signal interference and fail gracefully, and they must not cause interference with other signals using the spectrum.

It doesn't cause any interference with the transmissions, it just sends a message on the transport layer that the device should leave.

But if that message is false then it IS interference. If you eject a device improperly in a public place you are violating the law. You are damaging property and are liable.
No matter how much you hate it, welcome to 1984.
“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
The object of a camera is permanent image creation. You don't want to be a part, leave.

Comment Re:Seems fine to me. (Score 1) 184

Oh, no, it's not "inevitable" at all. There are plenty of totalitarian places around the world where people have lost the right to take pictures; it goes right along with losing the right to free speech. We need to fight that the same doesn't happen here.

And I think AC needs to go to one of those places for a couple months. Maybe witness a beheading or two for supposedly worshiping the wrong deity.

Comment Re:Stop taking risky pics (Score 1) 307

No, you don't need news from a war zone.
People who live there can supply that now. People no longer need to carry wallets.
They chose to.
You still have this delusion that you walk in the middle a run down slum and scream obsenities that you can't be harmed. That is your problem.In reality this responsibility is called consequences. If a people knowingly goes to a dangerous location there is a chance that they can be killed. Yes they do bear responsibility of there own death. No amount of hand waving it away because you want believe that you can do what ever you want and no harm shall come to you idiocy will change the reality that there are people who will kill you simply you aren't them.
So yes a cop IS responsible when he gets shot. Why? Because he is given all the equipment to prevent this. He is payed extra. He is given a weapon and authority. Nevertheless when a people does the illegal act of shooting him, he isn't magically healed because he doesn't deserve it. NO, he made a choice to presue a person and that person made a choice as well. Both could have chosen other options. However, the cop is in the right in doing his job nevertheless he stop has to pay for his medical bills. Very few people get mugged without making themselves attractive to the mugger. See people are lazy and doing want to modify their behavior to make them selves less attractive to those who will always do evil. And Finally you carry blame FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO. BOTH positive and negative. Thats basic human nature.

Comment Re:Experience versus Credentials. (Score 1) 546

Credentials are meaningless without experience. Experience can only be gained by doing. The best examples are the coders who hacked the icloud. There are craploads of people with MS in Comp sci who couldn't even comprehend that Icloud is like a safety deposit box at a bank, let alone fix the problem with the other service that allowed the break in,. (and if it turns out its good old social engineering then that makes my point even sharper. Most MS CS can even begin to compete with that) If you doubt I will point you to Thomas Edison and the light bulb. Look how many times it took for him to succeed, Where were his credentials?

Comment Re:It's all not bunk. (Score 1) 546

The value of "learning to program" is roughly comparable to the 1st year of CS classes at a reputable University.

And that it the delusion that people operate from that got us a hackable Icloud, and endless years of buggy MS software, UX and other abominations.

Also, the degree is no replacement for practical experience.

This is true.
Here is the problem, Learning and programming are far, far, far more important that theory. I have (as one of) a degree in Avionic. You know how long of the two year course was spent in theory of electronics? 6 weeks. Theory of flight? 6 weeks. Actual repair, assembly, fabrication, customization of the actual avionics components (which are miniature computers now not the old fashion dials and gauges, but I digress) The entire rest of the course. Computer theory is meaningless without the ability to actually code, debug, and compile actual complex software as know the principles of flight is with being able to fix or fly a plane.
12 weeks max. No more. When someone one leaves a college, they should be able to code in at least three languages something that would be production ready. Just Like my final test was to fix a malfunctioning avionics component on an ACTUAL 747 (yes we had a gifted one in our hanger that was used for tests. It was no longer flight worthy but we were never told that until after the test.)

Comment Re:Comfortable, were we? (Score 1) 113

It rewards psychopaths, results in shitty systems which punish the public and takes the creative principle for ransom.

Bwahaha you slackjawed imbecile, you realize you've just described the actual outcomes of everything marxist?

And the MPAA, RIAA , IPFI and the goverment of Taiji, wakayama prefecture of Japan

Comment Re:First sale (Score 1) 113

Not a customs issue. It is a copyright issue which will prevent you from reselling items you own (therefore superseding your "right to first sale").

You assume too much. For the record I worked in an airport with two major carriers (one of which is International and services Europe and Asia). If I buy a textbook in London, I can bury it in my checked bags and it will make it. If choose to not inform customs, thats on me as I am an American and both Customs and TSA have better things to do than care about my paper text book. At best they will make sure its not a bomb. Once I leave the airport, I can actually do as I please with it include selling provided I don't use: social media or the public internet. (TSA cares more about cheese than books. Cheese looks like C4 on x-ray) Copyright issues don't stop anything. They aren't a wall that you hit and its hurts. They are at best the ink-pack on a bundle of 100s the teller tosses in you rob a back, Over 50% nothing happens. The problem is people are stupid and do stupid things. Like make it obvious they are engaging in illegal activity. Movies, Magazines and Hell the whole underworld is the corrupt seedy part of Japanese culture. Kudos to Amazon for trying to poke it hard. My right to first sale IS absolute provided that it remains known only to me and the buyer. Not the middle men and snoopers in the govt

Comment Re: what's wrong with cherry picking? (Score 0) 110

Ahahahahahahahahahaha. Um DSL (digital subscriber line) uses twisted copper. You are lucky of you pull 20M. You should only be able to get a max of 13. Thats why you can't get Netflix. Centurylink is pissed because it can't make money on an dying 1980s technology. No one should be on DSL anymore.

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And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No exceptions. -- David Jones
