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Submission + - Want a transparent iPhone 4? (

TechieAlizay writes: Aren't you bored of your Black iPhone? Don't worry as now you can totally change your iPhone look by applying this awesome mod on it, this glass modification would turn your iPhone transparency mode on, and you can also see the tiny built-in chips which would definitely look cooler than before.

Submission + - Microsoft Doesn’t Care About Developers or U (

An anonymous reader writes: In an email back and forth with Microsoft's Director of Developer Experience, a guy writing an HTML/Canvas based MMO game engine talks about the terrible state of Internet Explorer and the disappointing launch of Windows Phone 7, explains that MS have "lost the plot" on web technology and finally asks the question, "Does Microsoft Really Care About Developers or Users?".

Submission + - Universe 250+ Times Bigger Than What Is Observable (

eldavojohn writes: The universe is only fourteen billion years old so we are unable to observe anything more than fourteen billion light years away. This makes it a bit difficult for us to measure how large the universe actually is. A number of methodologies have been devised to estimate the size of the universe including the universe's curvature, baryonic acoustic oscillations and the luminosity of distant type 1A supernovas. Now a team has combined all known methods into Bayesian model averaging to constrain the universe's size and their research is saying with confidence that the universe is at least 250 times larger than the observable universe.

Submission + - What Exactly is a Galaxy? ( 1

sciencehabit writes: Surprising as it may sound, astronomers don't have an answer to this fundamental question. There's no agreement on when a collection of stars stops being a cluster and starts being something more. Now, in an echo of the recent wrangling over Pluto's status as a planet, a pair of astrophysicists from Australia and Germany want to start a debate on the issue—and they have even set up a Web site for people to cast their votes.

Submission + - GeoTrust Parodies Go Daddy Girls SuperBowl Ads (

An anonymous reader writes: Just days before Go Daddy plans on announcing its new, third female spokesperson, GeoTrust released a viral video parodying the company's use of sex appeal to sell SSL technology and web domains. The parody also promotes a current deal allowing Go Daddy SSL customers to switch to GeoTrust for free.

Submission + - The abdication of the HTML standard (

GMGruman writes: The end of numbering for HTML versions beyond HTML5 hides two painful realities, argues Neil McAllister. One is that the HTML standards process has failed, becoming a seemingly never-ending bureaucratic maze that has encouraged the proliferation of draft implementations. That's not great, but as all the wireless draft standards have shown, it can be managed. But the bigger problem is that HTML has effectively been abandoned to four companies: Apple, Google, Opera, and Mozilla. They are deciding the actual fate of HTML, not a truly independent standards process.

Submission + - Half of .gov sites fail DNSSEC test (

netbuzz writes: U.S. federal government Web sites were mandated to have begun deploying DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) by Dec. 31, 2009, but a recent check shows that 51 percent have still failed to do so. That does represent a marked increase over the 20 percent that had complied as of a year ago. ``But if you think the government should be fully deployed by now, it’s a disappointing number,’’ says Mark Beckett, vice president of marketing and product management for Secure64, which conducted the study for Network World.

Submission + - Fedora 15 Changing Network Device Naming Scheme (

dkd903 writes: Fedora developer, Matt Domsch, has announced that Fedora 15 is breaking the conventional ethX naming scheme used for Ethernet devices by adopting a new scheme called Consistent Network Device Naming. The ethX naming scheme works fine as long as the system has only one Ethernet port. However if there are more than one Ethernet ports, the actual problem starts.

Submission + - Poll idea: Processor count? 1

rilister writes: How many (general purpose) microprocessors do you estimate there are in your home in total?
0, but multiple slide rules.

(I've been trying to guess the answer, and I'm interested in the discussion this'd generate...)

Submission + - Parrot ARdrone flown by Nokia N900 (

garymortimer writes: Brief video clip of Kate Alhola flying an ARdrone using a Nokia N900 phone. The interface was designed by Kate using Qt and she says being an engineer, it’s designed for an engineer.

Submission + - Microsoft woos Hacker George Hotz (

mvar writes: Where Sony Computer Entertainment has chosen to deal with alleged PS3 hacker George Hotz by instituting legal action, Microsoft is more interested in seeing where the two can help each other out. After Hotz posted on his web site his intention to go out and get himself a Windows Phone 7 (WP7), Microsoft Developer Platform Product Manager Brandon Watson tweeted an offer to send him one with the signoff, "let dev creativity flourish". Hotz first came to fame in mid-2009 when he announced an iPhone jailbreak.

Submission + - Japanese Supreme Court Rules TV Forwarding Illegal (

eldavojohn writes: If you use anything like a Slingbox in Japan, you may be dismayed to find out that a Japanese maker of a similar service has been successfully sued by Japan Broadcasting Corp. and five Tokyo-based local TV broadcasting firms under copyright violations for empowering users to do similar things. TV forwarding or place shifting is recording and/or moving your normal TV signal from its intended living room box to your home computer or anywhere on the internet. Turns out that Japan's Supreme Court overruled lower court decisions confirming fears that to even facilitate this functionality is a copyright infringement on the work that is being transferred.

Submission + - iPhone Dev Team readying jailbreak for iOS 4.3 (

TechieAlizay writes: The iPhone Dev Team have just tweeted via their redsn0w_tester account that they have started working on an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.

The jailbreak gang is looking to jailbreak the first beta of iOS 4.3 which is what normally happens in these cases:

        Ported Monte back to 4.1 kernel (SHSH blobs). Next step: porting it forward to 4.3beta!

As evident from the above tweet, they will be using the Monte jailbreak method which the Dev team also refers to as the backup method. This technique if you remember was employed to bring untethered jailbreak.

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