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Comment Re:No, just no. (Score 1) 91

Okay, revised:
"My driving a car is statistically riskier to my physical safety than riding a bus. But I drive, because I have more control there. Sometimes convenience wins out over security."

My second analogy still stands (altered for clarity): "Just because I'll happily engage in one risky behavior doesn't mean I should now climb a ladder when I could use stairs instead."

Comment Re:Literally the only useful thing to me (Score 1) 219

CPU and RAM lights would be constantly on (although I have seen gauges with multiple LEDs like on Apple Xserves). USB devices that shift between active and inactive states (HDDs, thumb drives, etc) have their own activity LEDs; no need for an LED on the bus. Although this reminds me of one quirk of Macs that I hate: the NICs have no LEDs, so testing jack on/off state is harder to do with a MacBook or iMac.

Comment Re:No, just no. (Score 1) 91

My driving a car is statistically riskier to my physical safety than flying. But I drive, because I have more control there. Sometimes convenience wins out over security.
To make my analogy fit better, the two things should be unrelated: Just because I'll happily drive a car doesn't mean I should now climb a ladder when I could use stairs instead.

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