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Comment Re:ColorToggle, Hostname in Titlebar, FocyOverride (Score 1) 353

Having used some blocking add-on's like RequestPolicy I don't feel comfortable with the shady practice of consuming content without paying the price of seeing the ads.

I don't feel comfortable with the risky practice of consuming content and paying the price of exploit attempts via ad networks. It used to only happen on "sketchy" websites. Now big name news sites and the like are using sketchy ad networks that occasionally try to push malware. I've reached the point where I don't mind spending ten minutes figuring out which domains I can temporarily unblock safely for a site. It's rare that I go to "new" sites anyway. And ad domains are always blocked without question. If the site wants to host ads, they can do it the old fashioned way and host them on their own servers (and accept responsibility for the exploit attempts).

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1, Insightful) 267

The public, as a whole, is comprised of people who are of less than average intelligence 50% of the time.

It's a bell curve, not a V. People with IQ "the exact number considered average" are the most populous compared to all other points on the chart. If IQ "average" was a score impossible to achieve, then your "50% below, 50% above" concept would make sense. As it is, it's a little less than 50% for both. And if "average" is a range rather than a precise number (most people consider it to be so with intelligence), then the percentages of population above and below drop considerably.

Comment Re:skynet (Score 1) 291

The Borg are a democratic, one Borg one vote[1] ... Some people cannot imagine situations where no one person is actually in charge. Where there is no Alpha in the pack or community.

It's more than just one Borg one vote. There is no Alpha in charge of the Borg (the Borg "queen" or Unimatrix is a tertiary semi-autonomous drone that is budded off of the collective for a special purpose, much like Locutus and Seven of Nine), and the Borg aren't a democratic society. The Borg is a collective in the same sense that your body is a collective of cells. The Borg is a galaxy-spanning organism made of metal and humanoids.

Comment Re:It's a vast field.... (Score 2) 809

Anyone who works with a computer as their primary tool should know basic concepts of encryption. They shouldn't need to know how to use an algorithm in a specific programming language or a pencil and paper to encrypt something, but they should be familiar with public/private keys and how they might be used in general. Too many people are still emailing passwords et al unencrypted. And not just bankers or secretaries.. programmers and even sysadmins seem ignorant of how to use encryption for communications.

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