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Comment Re:Hello insurance fraud (Score 1) 199

The problem with such a program is that the insurance company has the data from other dongles on the same roads. Presuming there are timestamps on the accelerations, they can model traffic flows. If everyone is stopped at a stoplight in the reconstructed model but your fake data shows you driving through the light at speed limit minus one, their analysis program will know something is wrong with your data. Investigation ensues.

Comment Re:Is it really a surprise? (Score 1) 199

Some companies will happily spend money and people on the security problem, but individual people within the company refuse the spend the time, using workarounds to skip having to deal with security. Sometimes this means using the computing resources nonsecurely, but other times it means avoiding using the computing resources.

Comment Re:Pope Francis - fuck your mother (Score 5, Insightful) 894

The job description of Pope includes believing at heart "if a man strikes you on the cheek, offer him the other cheek [to strike]." This does not preclude defense of others, but it also doesn't suggest an allowance of escalation in defense of others. If a man strikes my mother's cheek, I can strike his cheek to defend her, but if the same man merely calls her an ugly name, from where does the call to violent reaction spring? Righteousness or wrath? Hopefully Francis will think about that some more.

Comment Re:Joke? (Score 1) 790

It's an orchestra mimicking the sound of an extremely common (for the time period) piece of technology. There are also sounds that mimic trains, automobile traffic, and other technological wonders. They're not meant to be rip-roaring, slap your knees funny, but instead "oh my, how humorous a diversion from regular orchestral performances".

Comment Lost sounds (Score 3, Insightful) 790

The distinctive whine of an old SCSI drive. The whir-whir-whir-whir-click of a tape cassette rewinding. The flappity-flappity of a movie reel that has gone through the projector. Cha-chunk of a slide projector. The sound old beer cans used to make when ripped open. Dot-matrix printers. Floppy drives. Floppy drives forced to make "music".

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